Train Like a Fishe

I’m a 25 year old female medical student who started training a year and a half ago. Before then I was way too into watching trashy tv while on the elliptical, and not eating enough! Luckily I met a great guy who loves to lift, write training programs, and grill huge hunks of red meat. I love T-Nation and reading the blogs, so I’m hoping to get some new ideas and feedback and just enjoy interacting with other women who love to lift. :slight_smile:

Currently: 135 lbs bodyweight at 5’6"
Bench 1RM: 105
Squat 1RM: 155
Deadlift 1RM: 165

My wonderful boyfriend writes programs for us and our other training partner, we lift 4x/week with 2 upper body and 2 lower body days. Today I did upper body solo because of the holiday weekend screwing up our lifting schedules.

10x3 Barbell Pin Press @55% 1RM (did 65 lbs hoping for a future 1RM around 120)
4x10 cable row with supinated grip (65lbs, pausing at each row to squeeze that back)
(alternating set with 4x8 facepulls)
Finishing super set:
2 x Chins to failure, 2x10 skullcrushers with the EZ bar, 2x10 slideboard bodysaws
Chins to failure for me is like 2-3 reps, I just started being able to chin, and I love doing it! Especially when it makes guys stop doing silly bicep curls and watch, haha. I’m just pining for the days when I can slap on the belt and do 'em weighted.
Post training snack was sweet potato with cinnamon and scoop of chocolate Metabolic Drive. Yummy combo.

Welcome! Are you recording your weights as sets x reps or reps x sets? I’m assuming sets x reps.

Yes, sets x reps. Thanks for the welcome! I’ve been following your blog for a few months now…very inspiring!

Today was a lower body deload day. I’m still a little confused on how a deload should go…i.e. less weight? or less volume? Today was less volume, but I actually dialed up the weight and made a PR.

Snatch Grip Deadlifts from Deficit (with wrist straps)
140 lbs x 2 reps
145 lbs x 2 reps
150 lbs x 2 reps
155 lbs x 2 reps!! (PR)

I’m super psyched about that PR. The deadlift has been such a hard lift for me. Either I’m red hot or ice cold, great form or dog poop form. Today was great form. My deadlift PR is old, so I’m hoping when I test again in a month to blow that 165 out of the water, especially considering today’s was snatch grip and from a deficit. I’m also happy because I didn’t have my training partner with me to cue on form, so this was all self-coaching today.

Finished off with:
Barbell Reverse Lunges 2 sets x 8 reps
Gliding Leg Curls (kind of like a hip thrust, but hanging from a smith machine) 2x10
Donkey Calf Raises with my 115 lb girl friend sitting on my back 2 sets to failure (normally the 175 lb boyfriend is on my back but he was workin’ late).

So in 1 month I test my squat, bench, and deadlift 1 RM. The past two months I’ve been hammering my deadlift and chins in training, so we’ll see…

Curious about what program you’re following. De-load usually means less weight. If you’re doing max effort, it’s certainly not a de-load. But congrats on your PR. Why the straps? You have grip challenges?

Thanks kpsnap! So the program I’m following is written by my training partner. We follow a three month cycle, and we alternate volume by week. Week 1 is med-high volume, week 2 is medium volume, week 3 is heavy volume, and week 4 is our deload. We do two upper body and two lower body days per week. This three month cycle we’re focusing on the deadlift, last three month cycle we did a lot of squatting, and all our PR’s went through the roof. I’m going to have to re-examine how we deload, because I know last month I felt a little tired and weaker, which I think was from too much work.

As far as the straps, I only have grip issues with snatch grip. I can hold onto 135 without straps, but it’s falling out of my hands. But I can rack pull 205 with no straps, so I think my grip is ok…My forearms are kind of big, they are almost as wide as the meat of my upper arm! So I hope that means my grip is doing ok.

One question I wanted to pose was about the mind-boggling concept of cardio. I used to run all the time, and its hard to get that out of my system, so on the days I don’t lift, I still have the urge to get up and do something that makes me sweat. My training partner is all against this, so I’m wondering what you ladies think!

I have a soap box issue to throw out there. I’m going to graduate (hopefully!) from medical school in 8 months. Most M.D.'s are not taught anything substantial about nutrition and exercise. So many docs take a very conservative approach to this stuff. For example, err on the side of not eating a lot of protein, and be careful with heavy weights because you might hurt yourself, and whole eggs raise your cholesterol (not true!) etc etc. I’ve gotten into some heated debates at the hospital with other medical personnel about these topics, and most people gawk at the amount of eggs and red meat I eat, and at the lifting I love so much! For example, I had an surgeon tell me that because I’m female, I need to run instead of lifting weights! Ridiculous. Anyways, in the event of running into a medical/physical therapy/nutrition issue, always seek multiple opinions, don’t be intimidated by anyone in a white coat, and ask as many questions as you possibly can. :slight_smile:

Thanks kpsnap! So the program I’m following is written by my training partner. We follow a three month cycle, and we alternate volume by week. Week 1 is med-high volume, week 2 is medium volume, week 3 is heavy volume, and week 4 is our deload. We do two upper body and two lower body days per week.

This three month cycle we’re focusing on the deadlift, last three month cycle we did a lot of squatting, and all our PR’s went through the roof. I’m going to have to re-examine how we deload, because I know last month I felt a little tired and weaker, which I think was from too much work.

As far as the straps, I only have grip issues with snatch grip. I can hold onto 135 without straps, but it’s falling out of my hands. But I can rack pull 205 with no straps, so I think my grip is ok…My forearms are kind of big, they are almost as wide as the meat of my upper arm! So I hope that means my grip is doing ok.

One question I wanted to pose was about the mind-boggling concept of cardio. I used to run all the time, and its hard to get that out of my system, so on the days I don’t lift, I still have the urge to get up and do something that makes me sweat. My training partner is all against this, so I’m wondering what you ladies think!

I have a soap box issue to throw out there. I’m going to graduate (hopefully!) from medical school in 8 months. Most M.D.'s are not taught anything substantial about nutrition and exercise. So many docs take a very conservative approach to this stuff. For example, err on the side of not eating a lot of protein, and be careful with heavy weights because you might hurt yourself, and whole eggs raise your cholesterol (not true!) etc etc.

I’ve gotten into some heated debates at the hospital with other medical personnel about these topics, and most people gawk at the amount of eggs and red meat I eat, and at the lifting I love so much! For example, I had an surgeon tell me that because I’m female, I need to run instead of lifting weights! Ridiculous. Anyways, in the event of running into a medical/physical therapy/nutrition issue, always seek multiple opinions, don’t be intimidated by anyone in a white coat, and ask as many questions as you possibly can. :slight_smile:

How about running sprints for cardio HIIT style? Or hill sprints for that matter.
T-Nation also has a few articles with some wicked complexes that would get the sweat flowing for sure!

btw - welcome to the forum!

I looked up those complexes and did one yesterday - definitely wicked! I loved it though - got that “cardio” feeling and quality time holding hands with the barbell.
I’m now on the search for a hill in Miami. This city is FLAT. But there are some good bridges to run up, so I will give that a try.
Wednesday did upper body last deload day. Sunday I start a new month with med-high volume lower body day.
1 board bench press
3 x 100lbs
3 x 95 lbs
3 x 100lbs
DB Incline Chest Press
2 sets x 8 reps with 25’s
DB Chest Supported Row
2 sets x 8 reps with 35s
2 x Super set of face pulls, DB hammer curls, and side-planks with cable rows!
My 2rep max for the one board press is 110, but my right shoulder was hurting, which is unusual, so I held back. I went to the massage therapist today and she announced that my “traps, rhomboids, and supraspinatus are having a snap crackle and pop rice krispie treat party”. After an hour of deep tissue I feel like I have a new shoulder and upper back. I’m very fortunate to have found an awesome deep tissue masseuse who knows her anatomy cold and has the hand strength of goliath.

I’m late, but HELLO WELCOME!!!


jealous of your massage…

Sounds pointless to argue with those people. It’s hard enough explaining to the general population. I would have asked what that surgeon meant though? That wasn’t sexist, sheesh!

Yeah, I had the impression that doctors didn’t know much about lifting, and you confirmed that.
This is why I really hope I never get injured. If I ask “Dr. B, when can I squat again and how should I rehab?” Dr. B will give me a funny look.

Finally making my way in to say welcome :slight_smile:
Got some good stuff going on in here.
Love the story about how you came into lifting, very cute <3

[quote]jnfishe wrote:
Anyways, in the event of running into a medical/physical therapy/nutrition issue, always seek multiple opinions, don’t be intimidated by anyone in a white coat, and ask as many questions as you possibly can. :slight_smile:
I couldn’t agree more. My surgeon quickly realized that I was the type who had tons of questions and needed a lot of information. During more than one post-op appointment, he’s called up the computerized pics of my surgery and gone over detail so I could better understand. It’s funny because he always smiles a funny smile when he comes in the exam room, sits down, and sees my trademark list of handwritten questions.

One other thing I want to mention is that anyone [in the US] is entitled to access their medical files and operative report to get more details about their condition. I did so after my surgery and found all kinds of details that surgeons wouldn’t normally share nor would patients know to ask. I found these files incredibly educational.

Yes, your medical records are your personal property! Everyone should know that, although it’s not publicized well.
Haven’t been on T-Nation in a few days, it’s been a busy week - I started a new rotation - pediatric surgery (love the little ones!), and I had to fly to Atlanta to take one of my medical licensing exams.
But…in the meantime I have a new PR! So here’s my run down of this week thus far:

Lower Body 1
Speed Squat to Box (50%) 6 sets x 2 reps x 85lbs
Squat to Box 2 reps x 140lbs
2 reps x 145 lbs (next week gonna try to PR and hit 150 on that)
Elevated Deadlift (bar elevated by 2 plates)
2 reps x 135
2 reps x 145
2 reps x 155
Then…I tried to lift up 165 and it was a no go. :frowning: Then I realized what happened: I had a brain fart, and didn’t roll the bar into my shins. And I was even wearing my spiffy deadlifting socks that go all the way up to my knees. I will try again next week.
Dumbbell Reverse Lunges from deficit
3 sets x 10 reps with 35s
1 leg hip thrusts 3x8/side
Donkey Calf Raises with my 175 lb boyfriend on my back
3xfailure (lost track of reps on each set due to intense lactic acid pain in my calves!)

Upper Body 1
Bench Press (6x4) worked up to 4 reps with 100lbs (HUGE PR! by 10lbs)
*Just a side note, I love benching correctly in front of men who don’t even touch their chest with the bar, now I just need to get up to 135 lbs to really make their jaws drop!
5x5 BW Chins
3x10 PushUps
3x9 DB 1 arm row with 30s
Face Pulls 3 sets x 8 reps x 30lbs

Lower Body 2
Broad Jumps 5x3
Anderson Front Squats
3 sets x 2 reps x 105 lbs
2 sets x 2 reps x 110 lbs
GoodMornings (LOVE THESE! One of my favorite accessory exercises because it puts me in touch with my glutes like none other)
3 sets x 12 reps at 65, 85, 96 lbs
DB Walking Lunges
2 sets x 12 reps/leg with 25s

I know this is a long post, but on the nutrition/weight front, I’ve managed to survive on this surgery rotation still eating every 3 hours. And I’ve been keeping my carbs at breakfast, and then peri-workout. I’ve actually lost weight, not much, but down from 136 to 132. I wasn’t trying to do it, but I do feel like I’m gaining muscle at the same time.
Typical Day for me:
Breakfast between: 5 egg omelet with onions, bowl of fruit, HUGE cup of coffee
Lunch: 2-3 chicken breasts, handful of almonds
Afternoon snack: 1 scoop Metabolic Drive, bowl of fruit or sweet potato with cinnamon
Dinner is where it varies: Hamburger followed by ginormous salad, chicken stir fry with peanut oil and veggies, or after a big leg lift 2 different rolls with salad and ice cream at my favorite sushi place.
Before bed snack: 1 scoop Metabolic Drive

I’m curious what everyone else eats…

By the way THANKS to everyone for the warm welcome! It’s been really exciting and encouraging to read your posts.

I just ate half a pizza.

Good work, including the PR.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, guys’ jaws drop when a female gets under ANY loaded barbell.

Hmm, so Anderson Front squats are just front squats but with the bar coming to a stop? Wow, I’ve been doing them without even knowing. I like learning new things from the gals here.

you wouldn’t want to know what I eat…it’s very sad and boring.

But yay for you keeping it all together! A lot of people would probably use the excuse to eat out the vending machines I’m guessing. Is the food somewhat healthy in the cafeteria at the hospital?

The Cafeteria actually has some healthy options - fully loaded salad bar, my girl the omelet lady who makes a deliciously loaded 5 egg omelet for me. It’s dinner that’s tough, when I’m there overnight, the salad bar is gone, omelet lady has been gone since 11am, and the “pork” special just looks disgusting. So I usually bring dinner if I’m on overnight call. Or a bunch of us will get together and order delivery. (Which is hilarious to call in an order: “Hi, I would like you to deliver to the emergency room, yes, the emergency room, no we’re not joking, please just bring us food we are so hungry!!”)

I’m going to be traveling for residency interviews in December and January - anyone know any resources for a hotel workout?

1-bring shoes for a run

2-bodyweight exercise: pushups (inclined, one arm, tricep push press) dips, lunges, abs, shoulder press (upside-down with feet on wall for support.)

3-bands are easy to through in the luggage and use for curls, flies ect…

4-If the hotel has a gym, some may have a few dumbells, I’ll do a full body workout using dumbbells. presses, curls, squats, lunges ect…

best of luck