Guys i’m curious to hear what you think about full body training. I’ve been using various splits over the years, but nothing more than say Back + rear delts…I’m trying full body training now, as I’ve heard some good things about it. TBH, it seems somewhat logical to train this way when you consider that muscle growth is mostly systemic in nature.
Destroying single muscles seemed great to me at first, but i’m thinking this type of training will demand more from my body in terms of recovery & rehabilitation (ie, growth). I tried it on Sunday, and ran supersets on antagonistic muscles for the entire workout. It was damn near better than intervals.
From what I understand, the CNS triggers muscle growth and this type of workout should be pretty taxing on the CNS. What do you guys think of TBT?
hahaha thanks for the replies guys…and no, i’m not a beginner, just new to tbt. I thought i’d give it a shot because i’m sort of stalling in a fat loss phase. I’ve been attempting the “clean bulk” for years. And to cephalic - I might agree that I am a troll. I tend to learn through reading, and when I have a question, or would like some opinion, i’ll ask a question.
Hence, this post. I’d like to know what you guys think about muscle growth…being systemic and not localized…wouldn’t this mean that moderately stimulating plenty of muscles (i.e. tbt) is the best way to go?
I’m also just noticing now that i made two threads…There was some sort of page load error the first time I tried so I didn’t think it went through…sorry haha
There is plenty of localized action when it comes to muscle-growth/strength increases…
We’ve had some 20 or 30 threads on the splits vs. tbt topic, and then another 20 about tbt… They always turn into arguments.
It is a valid approach depending on your goals. The best way? Not for actual bodybuilding (natural or assisted)… Though you can make it work to a decent degree. Powerlifting, well, you may have a bit more success there but still, most successful PL systems that I know of are at least split up 2 ways.
Your call, there are many ways to set up a full-body routine, just as there are many (well, even more) ways to go about a split, and in both cases a lot of them are sub-par.
That being said, “stalling in a fat-loss phase” ? Do something that doesn’t cause too much general fatigue (avoid failure etc), and/or accept that frankly, fat-loss phases are not big gain phases… Overall food and protein intake is incredibly important when it comes to consistent strength and size gains as well as your ability to recover from stressful sessions.
If you meant your actual fat-loss and not your progress in the gym, then it’s your diet / cardio and has very little to do with your strength routine, so in that case I don’t quite get why you would want to change your routine.
Three Things That Don’t Matter That Much… Three Things That Do
By Christian Thibaudeau
[quote] *Total Body Training can be adequate only if the second “condition” is respected, and that is:
The workout structure should allow for a high quality performance of all the exercises in a session
If it doesn’t, then your workload repartition is idiotic. That is my main beef with TBT for bodybuilders: it is difficult to do the proper quantity of stimulation for every muscle group without suffering from a bad performance before the end of the workout. [/quote]
[quote]dan.desroches wrote:
hahaha thanks for the replies guys…and no, i’m not a beginner[/quote] So you’re putting up something like ~300+, ~400+, ~450+ on the big three or variations thereof etc? Good job [quote] , just new to tbt. [/quote]
ds1973 - that was a good read, thanks. I like the idea of autoregulation. I’ve been doing it out of logic, but it’s good to put words to it. I did 6 exercises today - lunges + incline press, db row + chest fly, quad extension + shoulder raise all supersets. They all had great intensity so I think I met CT’s second criteria…
cephalic - As for my fat loss stall, i’m in agreement with the article that ds1973 posted above…I don’t think it’s my program that mattered, but just that I need to stick to it. I’ve only been cutting for just over 1.5 months…I’ve got nutrition down, so I was hoping to use tbt to really increase my training intensity so I would be able to do less cardio. I don’t really do much anyways, I prefer to do sprints or sled work. The only problem with my old split was that I was in the gym 5-6 days per week, which left very little time for rest and full-effort sprint sessions. But concerning gains, I did not plan on gaining strength…I’ll probably lose some. Obviously I want to keep that to a minimum.
And this “So you’re putting up something like ~300+, ~400+, ~450+ on the big three or variations thereof etc? Good job ;)” Is this a god damn blanket statement? haha come on man. But if you’re curious, I don’t do benchpress too often to be honest, and when I did I was able to put up 215 for 10-12, I don’t do squats anymore because I don’t believe that they are great UNLESS you have great form, which I did not (and I ended up messing up my lower back, probably due in part to my ego), and I deadlift 405 x 4. I have no videos lol so say what you want about that one.
I thought he was mostly 6 days on, 2 or 3-way ?
Modok can speak for himself, of course. My recollection from a long debate we had maybe a year ago was that Modok said TBT had worked well for him. My apologies if I’m thinking of someone else, I just remember they had an impressive physique.
[quote]dan.desroches wrote:
hahaha thanks for the replies guys…and no, i’m not a beginner[/quote] So you’re putting up something like ~300+, ~400+, ~450+ on the big three or variations thereof etc? Good job [quote] , just new to tbt. [/quote]
If you can put up those type of numbers your not really a beginer? (i know its a generalized statement but I really am curious. not trying to be a dick or a smart ass at all. just wondering)
I thought he was mostly 6 days on, 2 or 3-way ?
Modok can speak for himself, of course. My recollection from a long debate we had maybe a year ago was that Modok said TBT had worked well for him. My apologies if I’m thinking of someone else, I just remember they had an impressive physique.[/quote]
To the OP, remember this is a bodybuilding forum.
As far as bodybuilding goes, in my opinion, TBT is great for beginners looking to bulk up, gain strength and size overall.
No advanced bodybuilder trains on TBT (that I’ve ever heard of.
Remember this is a bodybuilding forum, plenty of strongmen and powerlifters use TBT, I like full body workouts, for example dips, chins front squats, abs and calves or abs and curls, or incline press, pull ups and belt squats plus abs and calves. This suits my goals, but I wouldn’t call myself a bodybuilder.
Cocaine stimulates the CNS pretty effectively. It’s not very effective at building muscle. Maybe worrying about the CNS should be put on the back burner for a while. Maybe, just maybe, there are other factors in play here…
I thought he was mostly 6 days on, 2 or 3-way ?
Modok can speak for himself, of course. My recollection from a long debate we had maybe a year ago was that Modok said TBT had worked well for him. My apologies if I’m thinking of someone else, I just remember they had an impressive physique.[/quote]
I think you are talking about Alpha[/quote]
Ya he’s the only person I remember on these boards that was just straight up beast despite his crazy training(full body giant sets + long runs, insane how he kept his size up) and fucked up schedule. I miss that guy.
You’re probably right about it being Alpha that I’m remembering from our earlier discussions. The guy had impressive size, while following a TBT routine.
Like I said though, he represents a small minority and most guys here favor splits.