Hey guys, just had a wacky idea I may be trying. Just did most of the calculating and hoped you guys can rate the idea when I wrote it up. Besides, this may be something and it’s gonna be forgotten if it isn’t wrote up.
So this is a very long term, pretty high frequency program consisting of the Front Squat (FS) and conventional deadlift (DL)and Hang Power Snatch (SN). The progression at the Snatches haven’t been thougth out yet.
I’m just figuring this out, and I don’t know what I will do with the upper body yet. Probably a same bare minimum method. Pull ups and Military Presses maybe.
The Plan is:
Squat pattern: FS 5 times a week.
Hinge pattern: DL 2 times a week. SN 3 times a week.
Thinking of this kind of build up:
Mon x x
Tue x x
Wed x x
Fri x x
Sat x x
High frequentie because I need a crapload of progression opportunities to make it work. HF is chosen because I train for martial arts every day, so I want to be strong all the time, not a zombie for two days after training 2 times a week.
Okay now the progression, this is tricky.
The double progression system explained by Christian Thibaudeau will be used. First we take calculate the 1RM from the 5RM or 3RM. Make it true. Not too ammonia-sniffed artificialy high. But don’t wuss out! The program is gonna start really light. It’s in kilos for my european brain, relax, works the same with lbs, for the yanks;)
As example for 1 RM:
DL: 240 KG
FS: 170 KG
SN: IDK, this isn’t a regular snatch. not relevant for this post yet.
Next, drop to 75% of each lift. This is the weight of all working sets at the start. so for DL that is 180 kg, for the FS 125 KG (roughly).
The DL will be a 5x3 (sets x reps) progression.The FS will be a 5x5 profression: the point is nailing all reps for all sets and then move up in weight. Always do every set.
Little twist: the reps will be set, no trying here, just folowing the program to the T.
Front squat: 5,4,3,2,1 (10 short of completing this weight)
Deadlift: 3,2,2,1,1 (6 short of completing the weight)
Every workout you do the movement, you are adding 1 rep, until every set has 5(FS) or 3(DL) reps. This wil take 2 weeks for squats (5x2=10), 3 weeks for deadlifts (2x3=6).
When we hit the rep objective, we add 5 kilos (10 lbs) to the squat. we add 10 kilos (20 lbs) to the deadlift. This will be respectively after 2 and 3 weeks.
This is real pretty progression, starting really light, but it will be working for a time up to a half-year. Probably even more.
After 18 weeks, you will be deadlifting your former 1RM for 5x3.
After 18 weeks you will be squatting your former 1RM for 5x5.
You have mastered your former 1RM now completely, now starts the fun!
After a bit more than half a year (30 weeks). Your working weight for the DL will be 100 kg more than at start. For th FS this will be 75 kg more. Taking in consideration that there should be a ratio of roughly 62% between the lifts, and the squats will be done for 2 reps per set more, this will be about right.
The hang snatches will be building up the deadlift without the same CNS stress and getting you explosive as hell.
What do you guys think?