Torn biceps, surgery & comeback to gym

I have surgery tomorrow. From the moment it happened; 0 pain, bruising, swelling which is weird. DO YOU THINK THAT I WILL GO BACK TO THE GYM AFTER 3 MONTHS AFTER SURGERY? I got instant depression after stopped gym

Diagnosis;Complete rupture of the free section of the LHBT (long head of the biceps tendon). The long head is shortened, with a gap of approximately 38mm between the ends of the rupture. In my assessment, the damage is located at the level of the intertubercular groove. The short head of the biceps muscle and the distal attachment show no visible abnormalities.

‘Could’, might have been more appropriate, the answer to that is yes, and you already could have been training: There are things you could be doing even with a current injury, I’m not a specialist and have no idea about your injuries, but at the very least SSB can completely remove the need for any arm involvement, that means you could have been doing squats and GMs, you could have been doing ab work, deadlifts without arms:

Improve conditioning, mobility and soft tissue work…

The list goes on and so it’s really only you limiting yourself and only you that can answer the questions - Will I?

Also - if you got instantly depressed from not working out, that’s probably speaking to a deeper issue, where you get your identity from. If your identity is so wrapped up in the gym, you get depressed the moment you stop, you might also take this time to reflect on who you really are and what value and weight you place on certain aspects of your life, because that doesn’t sound too healthy.

You’ll need 12 weeks just to get to middle-stage rehab exercises for the biceps, yet alone gym training

However, you do still have 3 good limbs you can and should continue to train

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