Top Pre-Workout Powders?

I’m looking for a better pre workout than 1MR and jack3d

ECA stack

I think pre-workouts are a joke. Well, those similar to what you just mentioned. Honestly I have a hard time wanting to use anything other than Biotest’s stuff.

This may sound cheesy but I think your “pre-workout” should come from within. It could even be music, a video, a speech, or just a moment to yourself in which you get focused. But I can’t help but laugh when people ask about pre-workouts. I’ve been down that road and I don’t care for it. You should rely on nothing and no one but you and you alone.

Sorry for not giving you the answer you were looking for.

[quote]bassist127 wrote:
I think pre-workouts are a joke. Well, those similar to what you just mentioned. Honestly I have a hard time wanting to use anything other than Biotest’s stuff.

This may sound cheesy but I think your “pre-workout” should come from within. It could even be music, a video, a speech, or just a moment to yourself in which you get focused. But I can’t help but laugh when people ask about pre-workouts. I’ve been down that road and I don’t care for it. You should rely on nothing and no one but you and you alone.

Sorry for not giving you the answer you were looking for. [/quote]

What supplements do you use?

[quote]imhungry wrote:

[quote]bassist127 wrote:
I think pre-workouts are a joke. Well, those similar to what you just mentioned. Honestly I have a hard time wanting to use anything other than Biotest’s stuff.

This may sound cheesy but I think your “pre-workout” should come from within. It could even be music, a video, a speech, or just a moment to yourself in which you get focused. But I can’t help but laugh when people ask about pre-workouts. I’ve been down that road and I don’t care for it. You should rely on nothing and no one but you and you alone.

Sorry for not giving you the answer you were looking for. [/quote]

What supplements do you use?[/quote]

Right now I’m taking the New Anaconda and MAG-10. I used to take Indigo-3G. Biotest’s Metabolic Drive is my absolute favorite whey powder, no question. I really like their L-Leucine. I wish I had an unlimited supply of both. But I guess in terms of this topic Anaconda is my answer. O! and FINiBARs! Damn…favorite thing before a workout without a doubt.

But as always make sure your nutrition comes first…remember that they are supplements. They supplement a quality diet and training protocol.

I’m with bassist on this one. Not for entirely the same reasons, though i do get my workout drive from ‘within’ (if you dont ‘want’ to workout and need a pre-workout you are doing something wrong imo), my issue with most pre workout supps is that they can result in adrenal fatigue and definately put more stress on your CNS and reduce recovery. Being jittery through your workout, or even just amped up, isnt neccessarily going to result in more hypertrophy, lifting that extra 5 or 10 kg’s isnt the limiting factor to your growth unless you are only working out once or twice a week.

For anyone who trains effectively and relatively freaquently, quality of recovery (as determined by sleep, nutrition, hormone balance etc) is going to be the limiting factor

I agree with the above posts BUT, I think if you do with the a stim route, dont do one with a ton of caffeine/1,3 because a lot are SUPER caffeinated. Also, you could do a non stim that has creatine, beta-alanine, cit malate (spelling).

Jack3d has 1,3 which, I believe can lead to heart issues (correct me if i am wrong).

I do enjoy 1/2 a Spike before lifting tho :slight_smile:

White Flood is a solid one. Its tried and trusted by many.

I like stims but as far as non stim stuff the old try and true Gatorade with whey always gives me the best workouts, strength wise, pump wise and workout capacity wise. Anaconda works too but its always hit or mis regarding gastric issues. I know a lot of people advocate a meal of protein and slow carbs and hour or so before the workout or the AD, Leangains type crowds say if your glycogen filled you don’t need anything, but neither option works that great for me. Fast glycemic carbs and protein always work for me.

[quote]bassist127 wrote:
I think pre-workouts are a joke. Well, those similar to what you just mentioned. Honestly I have a hard time wanting to use anything other than Biotest’s stuff.

This may sound cheesy but I think your “pre-workout” should come from within. It could even be music, a video, a speech, or just a moment to yourself in which you get focused. But I can’t help but laugh when people ask about pre-workouts. I’ve been down that road and I don’t care for it. You should rely on nothing and no one but you and you alone.

Sorry for not giving you the answer you were looking for. [/quote]

So what do you think of whey pre-workout? It’s not quite a supp, or do you think people should workout fasted?

When I lift I have 40g whey with water, however conditioning I do fasted (morning workouts)

I used to drink a fair bit of coffee, probably 4-5 double shots a day minimum. I cut out coffee completely for a month and after the first week my lifting actually got better.

I used to read what the “get your motivation from within” guys said before and think it was bullshit but it’s pretty much not. I save the stims for when I’m down on sleep or just feeling a bit down, though I’m doing so with the realisation I need to get more sleep and eat more that day.

My fave stims though when I use them are just basic 200mg caffeine + 50mg DMAA, I buy the powder pure and take it about 1hr before lifting. I’m very good with stims (comparing to friends) though so maybe start with 100mg Caf + 25mg DMAA.

I used to drink a fair bit of coffee, probably 4-5 double shots a day minimum. I cut out coffee completely for a month and after the first week my lifting actually got better.

I used to read what the “get your motivation from within” guys said before and think it was bullshit but it’s pretty much not. I save the stims for when I’m down on sleep or just feeling a bit down, though I’m doing so with the realisation I need to get more sleep and eat more that day.

My fave stims though when I use them are just basic 200mg caffeine + 50mg DMAA, I buy the powder pure and take it about 1hr before lifting. I’m very good with stims (comparing to friends) though so maybe start with 100mg Caf + 25mg DMAA.

[quote]bassist127 wrote:

[quote]imhungry wrote:

[quote]bassist127 wrote:
I think pre-workouts are a joke. Well, those similar to what you just mentioned. Honestly I have a hard time wanting to use anything other than Biotest’s stuff.

This may sound cheesy but I think your “pre-workout” should come from within. It could even be music, a video, a speech, or just a moment to yourself in which you get focused. But I can’t help but laugh when people ask about pre-workouts. I’ve been down that road and I don’t care for it. You should rely on nothing and no one but you and you alone.

Sorry for not giving you the answer you were looking for. [/quote]

What supplements do you use?[/quote]

Right now I’m taking the New Anaconda and MAG-10. I used to take Indigo-3G. Biotest’s Metabolic Drive is my absolute favorite whey powder, no question. I really like their L-Leucine. I wish I had an unlimited supply of both. But I guess in terms of this topic Anaconda is my answer. O! and FINiBARs! Damn…favorite thing before a workout without a doubt.[/quote]

Lol… Anaconda, MAG-10, Indigo-3G, Metabolic Drive, FINiBARs. So all these supps come from within? Very hypocritical statements.

That being said, OP, when I bought some old MAG-10 and Surge Workout Fuel I had some of the best workouts in my life, on a consistent basis. Same could be said when I was taking Hemo Rage Ultra sans Surge Workout Fuel or MAG-10.

If you can afford Surge Workout Fuel/MAG-10/Anaconda or whatever and you want it give it a try. I would try Hemo Rage Ultra, too. Best stim product I’ve ever used.

I have used Anaconda/MAG-10/Surge Workout Fuel and they gave me awesome workouts, felt like I could go forever. I find that mastering the mental aspect is pretty important, like being able to turn the switch one and get some serious work done. I have used most of the popular “pre workouts” in the form of samples and really they just make feel dizzy and light headed haha. My roommate is beyond saturated with caffeine and chew. Pretty much can’t get through a day without having a chew or a workout without a stim. I mean he has reached a gram of caffeine in the run of a day, goes through withdrawal something awful too.

Brain Candy gives me pretty good focus and I find that I still feel it later in the day for my workouts. Really helps flipping the switch. If you really need a stim once and awhile, find one you like and only use it when necessary. Trust me, my roommate is all fucked up from abusing stims.

[quote]dreadlocks1221 wrote:

[quote]bassist127 wrote:
I think pre-workouts are a joke. Well, those similar to what you just mentioned. Honestly I have a hard time wanting to use anything other than Biotest’s stuff.

This may sound cheesy but I think your “pre-workout” should come from within. It could even be music, a video, a speech, or just a moment to yourself in which you get focused. But I can’t help but laugh when people ask about pre-workouts. I’ve been down that road and I don’t care for it. You should rely on nothing and no one but you and you alone.

Sorry for not giving you the answer you were looking for. [/quote]

So what do you think of whey pre-workout? It’s not quite a supp, or do you think people should workout fasted?

When I lift I have 40g whey with water, however conditioning I do fasted (morning workouts)[/quote]

When i say i dont take ‘pre workout supps’ i dont mean i workoutfasted, ‘pre workout’ supps have become their own category and are almost always stim based. I like A protein based meal 60-90 minutes pre or like you said whey+water 60 minutes pre, i dont consider that a ‘pre workout’ supp. Thats just nutrition.

400mg of caffeine form tabs, electrolyte tabs, water

For all recommending the DMAA’s and supps containing DMAA, those product manufacturers have been hit by the FDA and products such as Hemo Rage and Jack3d are being discontinued. Something about the DMAA used being synthetically produced and so the products themselves don’t fall under the DHSEA.


Caffeine, Ephedrine, Clen, Albuterol

Can’t say anything about DMAA products because I’ve never used them, but I hear good things

[quote]SRT08 wrote:
For all recommending the DMAA’s and supps containing DMAA, those product manufacturers have been hit by the FDA and products such as Hemo Rage and Jack3d are being discontinued. Something about the DMAA used being synthetically produced and so the products themselves don’t fall under the DHSEA.[/quote]