'Too Much' Volume, Shoulder Frequency, Wrist Injury

K so I’ve got something to ask you guys regarding training like how much is too much when it comes to training volume? like… is 35 sets for back day too much? also how long will it takes for a fractured wrist to heal and what can I do to make it heal faster? and is it okay to train your shoulders 3 times a week? thank you.

You can yell and scream at it and scare your wrist into healing faster. Worked for me.

35 sets? Do you mean 35 repetitions? I feel like 35 sets in insane.

[quote]Aero51 wrote:
You can yell and scream at it and scare your wrist into healing faster. Worked for me.

35 sets? Do you mean 35 repetitions? I feel like 35 sets in insane. [/quote]

not repetitions but sets like
35 sets per workout

I trained back tonight and did 12 working sets. You did 35 hey. Yeah I think it’s a little too much. Bare in mind that only work sets should be counted as actual sets. Don’t count warm up sets as actual sets.
Training shoulders 3 times per week ? 2 times per week (or 2 times in 10 days) is plenty.
A fractured wrist will take a minimum of 8 weeks to heal. Is there anything you can do to make it heal faster? No.

[quote]Angus1 wrote:
I trained back tonight and did 12 working sets. You did 35 hey. Yeah I think it’s a little too much. Bare in mind that only work sets should be counted as actual sets. Don’t count warm up sets as actual sets.
Training shoulders 3 times per week ? 2 times per week (or 2 times in 10 days) is plenty.
A fractured wrist will take a minimum of 8 weeks to heal. Is there anything you can do to make it heal faster? No.[/quote]

I guess i should reduce the volume and only train my shoulders once a week or so? but wouldn’t it be better if I train the muscle twice a week?

Read what this article has to say about ‘junk volume’:

[quote]EyeDentist wrote:
Read what this article has to say about ‘junk volume’:



[quote]Sigrid16 wrote:

[quote]Angus1 wrote:
I trained back tonight and did 12 working sets. You did 35 hey. Yeah I think it’s a little too much. Bare in mind that only work sets should be counted as actual sets. Don’t count warm up sets as actual sets.
Training shoulders 3 times per week ? 2 times per week (or 2 times in 10 days) is plenty.
A fractured wrist will take a minimum of 8 weeks to heal. Is there anything you can do to make it heal faster? No.[/quote]

I guess i should reduce the volume and only train my shoulders once a week or so? but wouldn’t it be better if I train the muscle twice a week? [/quote]
The frequency of training body parts will come down to the actual split you are on. For example a full body program could have you training each body part 3 times per week but you have to remember that the volume would be drastically reduced. For example a full body program may have you doing only one exercise per body part. A 2 way split such as Upper/Lower could have you training each body part twice per week with more volume.
Then we get into 3 way and 4 way splits which have more volume again per body part but are obviously trained less frequently.

The main thing here is to keep it all in perspective. Don’t hit shoulders 3 times per week if you only hit back once for example. Training needs to be balanced.

I changed my initial post as it looked harsh and wasn’t helpful.

thanks for the answer anyway also i’m not exactly a novice so i know what i’m doing i just want to know whether it’s okay or not.

[quote]Sigrid16 wrote:
thanks for the answer anyway also i’m not exactly a novice so i know what i’m doing i just want to know whether it’s okay or not. [/quote]

Don’t get offended. It isn’t exactly a question someone who is experienced would ask. At least not without a whole lot of additional context surrounding it.

35 sets is almost certainly too much.

I do 15-18 a week for back. I wouldn’t go over 25, which is quite a lot IMHO.

This also all really depends on how hard the sets are. A set of 6 at 65% of your 1RM is way different than a set of 12.

yeah too much, -as a beginner you just need to do something like pyramid up to a couple balls out work sets of heavy dumbell rows and then say 3-5 sets pullup type movement and you’re good to go.

re wrist get 10hours sleep several days a week if possible and healing will be sped up a little bit

35 sets for one muscle group is too much. I’m doing around 30 sets per workout right now,split between two muscle groups. I’ve been working up to as much volume as possible over the past couple months to push my work capacity to the limit, and I’m pretty sure that’s where the road ends. Any more than that, and the weight would have to be so light that I might as well be doing cardio.

If you can get through 35 sets for your back, you’re holding back on the amount of effort you can put into each set, and that’s the last thing you want.