allright, i asked this a couple of weeks ago and didn’t really get any replies after 2 bumps so here it goes again… rather than having 3 p+f meals each day i want to try having just 2, but still keep the total amount of fat and calories in my diet the same. this would mean each of my meals would contain about 80g of fat in them. i would have these meals in the middle of the day before i workout and at night before i go to bed. will that much fat at once just get stored as fat? is there a certain amount of fat you shouldn’t exceed one feeding? in case it makes a diference i am 185 at ~10% BF. any feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks
anyone thoughts or comments you guys might have on this are appreciated. Thanks
80 gms of fat in one serving is 720 calories from fat. 2 of these p+f meals would be 1440 fat calories. presuming you are getting adequete protien and carbohydrates i would say that you are on par with what needs to be ingested to grow. I do however feel that the amount of fat you are taking in could be dispersed over the course of the day rather than the two globs you suggest.
Well, 80g of fat is a lot of fat to take in during one meal. Overall though, I don’t know if there is an upper limit. I usually set my limit at 40-50g fat per meal, but that is based on what works for me. My advice would be to give it a shot and see how your body responds. If 80g per meal upsets your stomach, then you’ll have to cut back. Also, keep in mind that fat takes a while to digest, so I would try to leave at least 2-3 hours after eating a meal with 80g of fat and exercise.
Every time you eat a typical meal out (hamburger and fries, pizza, steak and baked potato, chinese buffet, etc.) you probably get 80 grams of fat, so it’s not like you’ve never done it before. I doubt it’ll upset your stomach. Give it a shot.
I think it is too much in one meal, especially with protein added to the calorie total for that meal. Although I don’t have scientific backup, at your size, I bet a lot of those cals would be stored as fat…I remember reading in Berardi’s damage control article that for the “average” (whatever that means) person, anything above 720 kcal in one sitting caused a lot of fat storage. If I was you, I would keep it spread over three P+F meals for sure.