to HERCunCHAINED or anyone,lifrting after back surgery!

im regards to training after something like lowerback surgery.especially having to come to grips of not being able to do goodmornings,stifflegs,deads and heavy sqs. anymore(as told by my doc).im going to go the bb route.would like feedback from anyone who made a come back or want to give some knowledgible info.maybe a good bbroutine with split.thanks bear

Never be able “…to do goodmornings,stifflegs,deads and heavy sqs.
anymore(as told by my doc)…”


In 1990, I herniated L5 and S1 - also tore my right sacral joint. Last week I deadlifted 315 for 6,6,6,4 powerful reps, pausing 2 full seconds between each rep! (@ my slimed-down summer body weight of 165). This fall, after my MAG-10 mass phase, I'll be shooting for 365 for 4 sets of 6 reps @ a BW of around 175.

Moral: Your Doc. should best replace the word "anymore" with "no time soon!"