TMUSCLE Needs a Wikipedia Entry

Seriously guys. I searched for our site, and it’s not on Wikipedia. We gotta start writing one an entry.

Of course, it has to be a summary of important information pertinent to TMUSCLE. So, we need people to propose topics and write sections! Who’s volunteering?

There’s one on TC:

I saw that one. But we need one for TMUSCLE in it’s entirety.

Potential topics include:

I,BODYBUILDER and it’s contribution to bodybuilding through FORCE SPECTRUM RAMPING and RATCHET LOADING SETS.
ANACONDA and it’s 34 year development cycle.
Controversies on which liquid flavoring is better.
General threats to the public regarding squat rack curls, not saying shit when we deadlift, etc.

I’m sure there is more about this site that deserves a page.

If you make a wikipedia entry on TMUSCLE, this site will get flooded with a bunch of fucking retards and douchebags (yes, even more than we have now). I say we keep it on the DL.

[quote]Xab wrote:

General threats to the public regarding squat rack curls, not saying shit when we deadlift, etc.

I must say, THIS idea, I likey.


you better include holymac on that shit

Also, an entry on Biotest is a good idea.

[quote]Xab wrote:
I saw that one. But we need one for TMUSCLE in it’s entirety.

Potential topics include:

I,BODYBUILDER and it’s contribution to bodybuilding through FORCE SPECTRUM RAMPING and RATCHET LOADING SETS.
ANACONDA and it’s 34 year development cycle.
Controversies on which liquid flavoring is better.
General threats to the public regarding squat rack curls, not saying shit when we deadlift, etc.

I’m sure there is more about this site that deserves a page. [/quote]

What about the more serious stuff like:

T-Nation, home of:

-squats and milk
-put it in her pooper
-try hitting her
-pics or it didn’t happen

I think we should keep this place as secret as possible. There is already enough trolls!

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:

you better include holymac on that shit[/quote]

And holymac wants to MMF you.

[quote]tootles27 wrote:

[quote]Xab wrote:
I saw that one. But we need one for TMUSCLE in it’s entirety.

Potential topics include:

I,BODYBUILDER and it’s contribution to bodybuilding through FORCE SPECTRUM RAMPING and RATCHET LOADING SETS.
ANACONDA and it’s 34 year development cycle.
Controversies on which liquid flavoring is better.
General threats to the public regarding squat rack curls, not saying shit when we deadlift, etc.

I’m sure there is more about this site that deserves a page. [/quote]

What about the more serious stuff like:

T-Nation, home of:

-squats and milk
-put it in her pooper
-try hitting her
-pics or it didn’t happen

I think we should keep this place as secret as possible. There is already enough trolls![/quote]

#'s 1, 2, and 4 are not original to T-Nation nor unique to T-Nation…

WTF. I changed TC’s wiki to say “TC stands for Ten inch Cock” and some fucker changed it back.

[quote]CapnYousef wrote:

[quote]tootles27 wrote:

[quote]Xab wrote:
I saw that one. But we need one for TMUSCLE in it’s entirety.

Potential topics include:

I,BODYBUILDER and it’s contribution to bodybuilding through FORCE SPECTRUM RAMPING and RATCHET LOADING SETS.
ANACONDA and it’s 34 year development cycle.
Controversies on which liquid flavoring is better.
General threats to the public regarding squat rack curls, not saying shit when we deadlift, etc.

I’m sure there is more about this site that deserves a page. [/quote]

What about the more serious stuff like:

T-Nation, home of:

-squats and milk
-put it in her pooper
-try hitting her
-pics or it didn’t happen

I think we should keep this place as secret as possible. There is already enough trolls![/quote]

#'s 1, 2, and 4 are not original to T-Nation nor unique to T-Nation…

Thanks for the info.

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:

you better include holymac on that shit[/quote]

Oh right, almost forgot.

Holy Mac: He likes MMF and doesn’t have a proper face.

We need to go viral guys, and for that we need to go project mayhem. we set a date, every T-Nationer goes to the local planet fitness, gets a 1 day guest pass, drinks the Anaconda protocol (naturally) and then works up to a hearty 1 rep deadlift max. Then, after you lock it out (yelling ‘lock it outtttttt’ is welcomed but not mandatory), drop it. setting off the lunch alarm and scaring the bros that are one their 4th arm day in a row. wear your tnation shirt while you do this, and have a buddy film it. then at the end of the video, put a T-Nation wikipedia link at the end with your sweet video editing software and put it on youtube. viola, it will make people aware of T-Nation, but also let them know how legit we are in the meantime. its fool proof.

TSB. it was originated here and should be mentioned.

[quote]HolyMacaroni wrote:

you better include holymac on that shit[/quote]

You have a chance of getting a dishonorable mention in relation to a lunk alarm. That’s about it bruhhh

this will get trolled uncontrollably man…

It will end up infested with weak jealous motherfuckers who’s few passions are hate, dislike and internet trolling.

I’ll do it. PM me if there is something you would like to be added. I’m starting right now.

[quote]countingbeans wrote:
this will get trolled uncontrollably man…

It will end up infested with weak jealous motherfuckers who’s few passions are hate, dislike and internet trolling.


shut up, unfuctional steroid fat low-carb.

[quote]thefederalist wrote:

[quote]countingbeans wrote:
this will get trolled uncontrollably man…

It will end up infested with weak jealous motherfuckers who’s few passions are hate, dislike and internet trolling.


shut up, unfuctional steroid fat low-carb.[/quote]
