Another dude offers you money for sex and your first response is to laugh and say,
“i have a girlfriend, can she join”.
likes this
When your friend is complaining about his boss and you tell him “just stick it in her pooper”
someone brags about something and you reply “pics or it didn’t happen”
When you say serial when you’re cereal.
You know Black Vampires exist
you tell people to foam roll when they’re complaining about something
When asked for advices you tell someone to "try hitting her’
When you recommend squats and milk to your ailing grandmother. And she takes your advice. Then dies.
[quote]lawsonsamuels wrote:
someone brags about something and you reply “pics or it didn’t happen”[/quote]
SOn of a bitch
When you start adding to your daily emails
And, reading:
"Oh, I`m purty sure Miss Tamale already knows ALL about bending over into position and crying out in horny, pussy-drenched excitement: “Thank you SIR, may I have another?” ;-p
…in fact, Im rather convinced she
d vigorously ENJOY a little begging…and thanking…and spanking… ;-p But she can call me Daddy I know she`ll learn to enjoy that VERY much as well…
You KNOW who posted it…
[quote]BJack wrote:
When you recommend squats and milk to your ailing grandmother. And she takes your advice. Then dies.[/quote]
Pics or it didn’t happen.
…you have a higher post count than some members that have been on T-Nation three times longer than you.
You mean to check your gmail, facebook, news, etc… and instinctively type instead.
[quote]PaddyM wrote:
You mean to check your gmail, facebook, news, etc… and instinctively type instead.[/quote]
That’s pretty much me at work!
[quote]imhungry wrote:
…you have a higher post count than some members that have been on T-Nation three times longer than you.[/quote]
Son of a bitch
[quote]sbr wrote:
[quote]BJack wrote:
When you recommend squats and milk to your ailing grandmother. And she takes your advice. Then dies.[/quote]
Pics or it didn’t happen.[/quote]
When you slap your co-worker on the ass then at the nearest female in a cubicle…
When you and a buddy or co-worker see a hot chic walk by, you turn to him and say “MMF?”
When you tell someone from another forum (while on da interwebz), “you’ve caught teh ghey”