Hey everybody. I’m new to this board and am very impressed with the knowledge that most of you possess on all topics discussed. I been following the growth surge recs. for a week and a half now, two-a-day workouts, supplements (inserted mag-10), and diet with the exception of relacing most dietary fat with carbs. I have gained 7.5 lbs. thus far yet did not measure bodyfat at all for i don’t care at this point. It’s January! At 5300 calories a day thougn I thought I would pork out rather quickly. However, besides feeling somewhat bloated by the end of the day I haven’t noticed any real increase with the skinfold pinches on my gut, arms and legs. It is merely a very subjective pinch with my fingers but my pants don’t feel any tighter in the morning than they did a week and a half ago. I am 5’ 10"@ 188lbs. I would guess I am around 12% body fat as I have had tests done in the past and know what 12% feels like.
I have gotten much stronger in the gym though. Squats up from 275x10 to 325x10. Bench from 185x6 to 225x6. All others up as well. I am sorry I didn’t take better fat analysis but I didn’t plan on responding to this forum. However, I feel so good right now that I just feel I have to share it (please tell me I didn’t just sound like a woman!). My workouts are spectacular. In fact almost orgasmic at times. It must be the Mag-10 as I have taken all other supllements that I am taking now in the past (150 out 0f 400 grms. protein is whey powder daily, GNC megamen vitas., flaxseed oil, 80 mg. aspirin).
I do have one question though. I do not want to have to buy supllements for the rest of my life. Even as good as Mag-10 appears to be (I realize some of my enthusiasm might come form the placebo effect but believe me, most of it is Mag-10. I have been busting my balls in the gym and have not hurt as much as I usually do. DOMs has been a very dull yet intoxicating experience lately.)I want to get to 200 lbs. @ 8-10% bodyfat and stay there. Have any of you heard of Titan Training by Optimum Training Systems? I have Big Beyond Belief and that book alone brought me from a 155lbs. plataeu to 176 lbs. at about the same skinfold fat level (though % went down). There system was great. I just need to know if Titan is any different as it is supposed to be better than BBB and I want something to train with after Mag-10 (and of course ‘M’ and Tribex between cycles). Thanks.