I’ve got a couple cycles of 5/3/1 under my belt. I took some time off after 2 cycles because jiu jitsu hurt my elbow (bad armbar). I’ve since quit jiu jitsu so I can focus on lifting. I then repeated my second cycle and have just finished a 3rd messed up cycle.
209-215 lbs.
BF 15-20%? Whatever, the mirror is more important.
Deadlifts: 325x5;405x1
Bench Press: 225x8;275x1
Front Squat: 220x3;245x1 (with belt)
Military Press: 140x6
I’m going to be posting my workouts here to keep myself more accountable and stop having training ADD/retardedness. I’m going to be starting a fresh cycle of 5/3/1 after my deload this coming next week. I kinda fucked myself on squats so I missed out on my 5’s week because I tried to do back squats this cycle, but my lower back wasn’t going to have it.
Will be doing front squats since I have no problems with it. My lower back has no problems with deadlifts, so I don’t know what to say about that.
My goals right now are these:
-Adding muscle and improving strength
-Not get any fatter (cardio and less carbs in diet but I’m not cutting. When my lifts stall, I’ll add in more calories.)
Short term goals:
225x10 Bench
295x1 Bench
185x1 Military Press
Mid term goals:
315x1 Bench/Front Squat
500x1 Deadlift
225x1 Military Press
Long Term goals:
405 Bench
600 Deadlift
Breakfast: 10am
Glass of Orange Juice
3 fish oil capsules
3 egg omelet with onions/ham
2 cups of instant oatmeal
Lunch: 2 or 3pm
Chicken Breast
Glass of Milk
Gym from 3-4 or 4-5
Post Workout: 4 or 5pm
Syntha-6 + Milk, Protein Shake
Dinner: 8:30pm
Varies between the following: spaghetti w/ sausage and bread, 2 cheeseburgers + fruit, fish + bread + diced potatoes, steak + broccoli + bread. Always with a glass of milk.
I sometimes have a snack around 6:30 between PWO and Dinner.
Training maxes for next cycle are going to be:
My weaknesses are:
Bench: Delts
Deadlift: Glutes and lower back
Front Squats: Glutes (right side is weaker)
Details: assistance is ramped and records are shown and I try to make new rep PR’s every time.
M Deadlift 531
50 Pull Ups Throughout workout
Seated calves 3x15x135
Deadlift 531
BBB 5x10@210
Standing EZ Curls 95x10
T off
W Bench 531
Flat Bench 531
3,1 One-Arm Push-Ups
DB Bench 70x12
DB Rows 110x11
DB Incline Curls 35x10
Tri Ext140x8
R Squats 531
Leg Press Calves 405x8
Seated Calf Raises 135x15,10
Front Squats 531
Pistols 2x5 to a box
Reverse Lunges 135x8 or Walking Lunges 45’s x10
F OHP 531
OHP 531
3,1 One Armed Push-Ups
Pull Ups +35x6
bust out another 20 reps for volume throughout rest of work out
Dips +70x6//+90x3
Preacher EZ Curls 90x10
Reverse Grip Curls 65x10
Lateral Raises 35x10;40x6
Cardio will be done 3 times per week. I either swim sprints, run a set distance outside (2.5-3 mi), or do sprints/jump rope in my back yard. I have an obsession with bicep/calf hypertrophy.