Pull Ups
Ring Pull Ups x8
Ring Pull Ups 2x8
One-armed push-ups
Ring Flyes/Presses
So my buddy at the gym got some new rings and offered to let me try them out. The pull-ups were insane. I tried some ice-cream makers which are horizontal pull-ups where you try to keep your body flat. Definitely got 5 with abominable form. But rings are really cool and I’ll be getting some eventually. Curls and lateral raises can suck it.
warm-up shit
345x5 estimated 1rm of 402
(first two sets should’ve been a tad lighter, but I did it my way for the sake of easy loading.
225x10 double overhand
225x7 then switch to mixed for 3
225x5 then switched to mixed for 5
225x5 double overhand
225x4 double overhand
“Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.”
-William Ernest Henley
The same 2.5 mile run to Elba.
Time: 25:07
cool down of ~5 minutes
Not deathly hot today because of the breeze. I’m very pleased with the new time, a 14 minute improvement. Average of a ten minute mile. My stride was also much better, when I could maintain it. The longer strides tired me out much quicker, but the improvement is obvious. I’ll try to maintain the long stride/run instead of the jogging and stopping but my conditioning just needs work.
BB Bench
225x8 (didn’t feel like pushing for 9)
DB Rows
//started with left on all sets. noticed that ripping/jerking the weight caused my grip to unfurl and that doing it slow and steady was better overall.
DB Bench
70left and 75right x 6 (someone racked the DB’s wrong, oh well)
85x5 still PR’d
DB Curls
//doing these bilaterally until it’s difficult then unilaterally with some cheat. i got 5 with 45 bilaterally/strict.
Smith Machine Calf Raises w/ block under toes (love these)
Seated Calf Raises
Front Squats (block under heels)
//Maybe the block made me weak? I took it out for that last failed set.
Olympic Back Squats
I wasn’t even hitting parallel. I did a set with the bar looking in the mirror. Lower back lost the arch fairly quickly. I’m inflexible in my hips/hammies or whatever. I’ll be working on that. I think my lower back is healthy enough and next cycle I’ll be redoing this whole part of the program.
Reverse BB Lunges
Came home and foam rolled/stretched legs and back. also did 3x20 push-ups.
JLD2k3: Haha no, but I did wrestle. I just bought gymnastic rings last night actually. I’m stoked to use them once they arrive.
Today’s workout:
broom dislocates
145x3 (got bare minimum aka garbage. I was hoping for 5/6)
Pull Ups
Preacher Curls
Reverse Preacher Curls
Tried thrusters because I thought I might do some metabolic work. How the hell do you front squat without racking the bar way back onto your collarbone? It felt so awkward even with the bar (i tried 95 first).
Went for a walk with my dad. 1.5 miles.
I’ll be doing the men’s health circuit that JDL2k3 posted.
JLD2k3 posted a weight circuit somewhere on Soda’s training log. I looked at it and thought I’d like it and improve myself on it. You’re supposed to do the circuit 3 times. I did it twice. You’re supposed to do each motion for a minute straight followed by 15 seconds of rest. Haha, that’s going to happen. My times were nowhere close to what should have been. It was more like 25 seconds of work a brief pause followed by another 10 seconds and then rest for a minute between exercises. I won’t be using the forty pounders again anytime soon.
weights I used:
Goblet squat //40
Mountain climber
Single arm DB swing //15
T push-up //15
Split jump
Standing DB Rows //40
Lateral Lunge to touch //15
Renegade Row //15
DB Lunge and Rotation //15
DB Push Press //40
Next time, all of the stuff with 40 will be 30s. This was really hard for me.
I did the Men’s Health thing with 20’s and it was still plenty of work.
Thrusters, the key is momentum and timing. When I do Fran (Crossfit workout 21 Thrusters, 21 Pull ups, 15/15, 9/9) I grip in closer than I would for OHP and use a false grip. I’m all the way up on the inner edge of the knurling. Start your descent with your knees and try to time it up so your bar hits bottom when your butt hits bottom. From there it’s easy to change directions for both lifts at the same time and float the weight up with your legs so all you have to do is lock out your elbows at the top. If you keep your elbows forward, you shouldn’t have any trouble crashing your collar bones.
[quote]JLD2k3 wrote:
I did the Men’s Health thing with 20’s and it was still plenty of work.
Thrusters, the key is momentum and timing. When I do Fran (Crossfit workout 21 Thrusters, 21 Pull ups, 15/15, 9/9) I grip in closer than I would for OHP and use a false grip. I’m all the way up on the inner edge of the knurling. Start your descent with your knees and try to time it up so your bar hits bottom when your butt hits bottom. From there it’s easy to change directions for both lifts at the same time and float the weight up with your legs so all you have to do is lock out your elbows at the top. If you keep your elbows forward, you shouldn’t have any trouble crashing your collar bones.[/quote]
Thanks, I’ll take those tips into account next time I do cardio via weights.
I don’t like that my deadlift has actually gone DOWN on this program. I haven’t been programming it correctly. I’m not exactly sure what works for my deadlift, but I know that heavy DB rows and lots of pull-ups isn’t the solution. My dropping of the back squat for the front squat probably accounts for this decrease in strength. Starting next week I’ll be revamping my programming for 3 reasons:
I’m getting gymnastic rings
My deadlift is getting weaker
I’ve lost the mobility to back squat deeply
On issues 2 and 3, I’ll be focusing on improving my back squat ability. I figure the back squat issue will probably fix my deadlift problems as well. So while I will still be deadlifting, it will be on the back-burner in favor of squatting programming. I’ll be discontinuing this log due to the title will be misleading. My new programming will be a bastardized 5/3/1.