I am looking for an appropriate warm up volume to be executed before reaching the “Bulgarian Peaking Cycle” loads.
My plan is to execute six reps (2 reps x 3 sets) at about 50-60%, five reps (2 reps x 2 sets + 1 rep x 1 set) at 60-70% (obviously after the the usual movements with empty bar, 30%´s and 40%´s).
The reason I am consulting you guys is because if my warm up reps are too low, I commit some failures at work zone (75%+). And the opposite, I supose, the failures may occur due to fatigue before the work zone.
Would you mind to share here your warm up strategy if you would need to follow the op spreadsheet?
My little experience is based on powerlifting and it has been very clear that some strategies such as warm up for max day, or warm ups for a regular training session are diferent.
But, in my case, both for powerlifting or weightlifting, I can´t handle working loads above 75% with only regular warm ups bellow 50%´s.
The warm up strategy depends of each one´s strength and conditioning. I totally agree with you. But my expectations were to find some recommended ranges of volume. And, such ranges are adjusted according to the specificities (strength, conditioning, mobility, beginner/intermediate/advanced, etc).
I think you’ve glossed over the first part of my answer which I believe is the most important.
Your warm ups will depend on your strength levels, conditioning levels and maybe a few other factors like when you train, temperature etc. Are you suffering with any tightness anywhere? Is your technique feeling slightly off recently? All these things play a role in how I would approach a lift and you need to make those calls for yourself.
When you start a new percentage based program it can be cool to start 5% lighter than the paper says. This gives you a little wiggle room to get through the early sessions and figure out how it impacts you.
Regarding missed lifts, Why are you missing?
If you’re to stiff/tight to hit the proper positions you could try a couple moves or stretches to loosen up your shoulders or hips.
If you’re a slow starter, like an old diesel truck, you could do some kind of general warm up. Moving around for 5-10 minutes to get the body temperature up and your body springy. Walking on a treadmill, doing some pushups leg raises and back raises, jump rope.
If you need more Practice to sharpen your technique you could use light, strict moves to focus on the important parts of the lift. This video sucks and these moves aren’t that great, but this is the idea.