Tingling/Pins & Needles Sensation in Arms

Started lifting weights December 09, did a lot of bench press, with waaay too much weight for a beginner (didn’t know better), after 1 week I started having a tingling sensation in my right arm (dominant arm), mainly around the bicep area, and noticed that my arm was very cold around the tricep area.

After a couple of days it got better, I only felt the tingling sensation when using the arm (not when lying still). Then I started noticing that my left arm also got cold around the tricep area, and if used much a tingling sensation would also appear in the left arm.

I’ve had this for almost 6 months now, I feel that it’s slowly getting better, but very slow, I often get a tingling sensation in the morning, and when i wake up one of my arms is usually cold (the arm that i’ve not been sleeping on, i normally sleep on the side). I also noticed that if I sleep on my back, my upper-pecs also gets cold.

I’ve been to my doctor (refered me to physio), went to a physiotherapist (he said he had no idea what it could be) and im currently seeing a chiropractor/physiotherapist. The chiro thinks it might be nerve-related, but he’s not completely sure of what it is.

So I would like to know if anyone else have experienced anything similiar or have any ideas as to what might be wrong? Also, Ive put the weightlifting on pause since dec/jan.

If there is numbness it is generally nerve related, occasionally circulation based. That does not mean that the nerve is causing a problem. It is more likely that a musculoskeletal issue is causing increased pressure on a nerve.

For upper arm pain you can google stretches for pectoralis minor, subscapularis, and all three pairs of scalene muscles. Those are the most common tight muscles to cause numbness, tingling, pain, or lack of sensation.

Scalenes often pull your first rib under your clavicle, pinching the nerve. Scalenes are responsible for moving the rib cage during deep breathing, responsible for pulling the neck forward (really common with bad posture). Working on a laptop often destroys posture and really tightens up the scalenes.

Pec Minor can medially rotate and flex the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint, agitating a couple different nerves. Pec minor is widely abused during most chest exercises, especially dumbbell and body weight like DB benchpress and tricep dips. It is also affected by poor posture whether driving, studying, typing, eating, sleeping, etc…

Subscapularis is almost always the tightest of your rotator cuff, can limit range of motion, and often stiffens the GH joint keeping pressure on different nerves. Subscap is related to driving, computering, and almost all pronated arm motions.

All of these muscles are related to Thorassic Outlet Syndrome or TOS

thanks for your reply

what about the coldness in the tricep area, does that relate to TOS?


I’ve had this a same feeling a while and it actually puts me off of training my arms, I’m a sprint hurdler and so I’m not totally that bothered about growing my arms but now its coming to the end of the season Ive started to bulk and get more powerful but I can not understand it myself.

The thing is my pump stays for a couple of days in my arms and as long as its there the pins and needles is as well (in the morning).
What supplements are you taking because if we are taking the same then I’d imagine it could very well be related.

ive now been diagnosed with TOS by a physio… I advise you to seek one if you have a similiar problem

Of course without a physical exam, my commentary is limited. You should also consider the posiblity of cervical spine pathology. An EMG/NCS or MRI of the C spine, may be helpful.
