Tiki Barber 1200 lb Front Squat!!??

So I’m drinking my coffee and reading the NY Post, and reading an articles on Tiki Barber’s road back to the NFL and how he is training again at Carini’s Gym in NJ and now I quote…

“Carini says that Barber is now stronger than he was then.” and has the numbers to prove it, Barber is lifting 1200lbs on the FRONT SQUAT, up from 1100 4 YEARS Ago, leg Pressing 1300 from 1100 4 years ago, safety squatting 805 (up from 755) and hoisting up 305 on the incline press up from 295."

This sounds like some irresponsible journalism to me. From what I found the record is around 750 lbs (Warrick Brandt)…this seems so ridiculous to me that I may email the author because of his light hearted take on what he is putting on paper…or am I wrong.

Numbers like that are generally on machines where the weight is at a mechanical disadvantage. In other words, those are the weights loaded onto a machine, not the weight being lifted.

And no, no one on the planet has ever front squatted anywhere near that. the best powerlifters can barely back squat that in multi-ply gear.

I would guess this “front squat” is being done on a power squat machine, facing in towards the back pad. NOT a front squat at all obviously, but this seems like a mix up somewhere between Barber’s trainer somehow mistakenly calling this a front squat, and the journalist not having a clue, and blinding accepting what was told to them. I would be pretty surprised if TIKI Barber could do an actual front squat of more than 400lbs.

Exactly, I believe its insulting to the sport of powerlifting to haphazardly spew numbers so ridiculous w/o actually specificially stating the exercise.

I emailed the author and the gym I was so taken aback.

Exactly, I believe its insulting to the sport of powerlifting to haphazardly spew numbers so ridiculous w/o actually specificially stating the exercise.

I emailed the author and the gym I was so taken aback.


Well, at least the incline and leg press numbers seem legit =p

It sounds like a mix of Joe blowing up the numbers and te journalist getting it wrong. Neither would surprise me…

^ espescially from the Post.

[quote]MattyXL wrote:
Exactly, I believe its insulting to the sport of powerlifting to haphazardly spew numbers so ridiculous w/o actually specificially stating the exercise.

I emailed the author and the gym I was so taken aback.[/quote]

When did the front squat become a powerlifting lift :slight_smile: No insult there…just the usual journalistic hyperbole.

You know what I mean, I didnt know how to classify it, but when their seems to be a record for it as far as poundage goes I first thought powerlifting, I guess I just should of coined it weightlifting.

Nothing gets by the BODY GUARD :slight_smile:

^^hey hey hey! Just because someone makes an outlandish weightlifting claim that they are stronger than the world record holder, by a long shot, doesn’t mean you can call them out like this! I bet Tiki stops posting here soon…

[quote]gregron wrote:
^^hey hey hey! Just because someone makes an outlandish weightlifting claim that they are stronger than the world record holder, by a long shot, doesn’t mean you can call them out like this! I bet Tiki stops posting here soon…


HA HA yeah man, my bad, Tiki if your reading this I apologize I mean I have no reason but to believe you! I mean its only 400+ pounds over the record that I read! Not a big deal, very doable.

[quote]gregron wrote:
^^hey hey hey! Just because someone makes an outlandish weightlifting claim that they are stronger than the world record holder, by a long shot, doesn’t mean you can call them out like this! I bet Tiki stops posting here soon…


Well, if that’s the case then he has a really weak leg press.

[quote]MattyXL wrote:
You know what I mean, I didnt know how to classify it, but when their seems to be a record for it as far as poundage goes I first thought powerlifting, I guess I just should of coined it weightlifting.

Nothing gets by the BODY GUARD :)[/quote]

LOL :slight_smile: Then again you’re talking to a guy that thinks the supportive gear is the biggest insult to powerlifting.

[quote]gregron wrote:
^^hey hey hey! Just because someone makes an outlandish weightlifting claim that they are stronger than the world record holder, by a long shot, doesn’t mean you can call them out like this! I bet Tiki stops posting here soon…



I smiled “out loud”.

BG…did you ever train at that gym, it seems pretty famous, I know he is pretty well known.

^They did a vid piece on him a few yrs back. It’s a quarter squat. To help w/speed. & it was a lot of wt just no ROM. So he probably did do it, but if you saw the vid, you would most likely be able to do it yourself.

[quote]print wrote:
^They did a vid piece on him a few yrs back. It’s a quarter squat. To help w/speed. & it was a lot of wt just no ROM. So he probably did do it, but if you saw the vid, you would most likely be able to do it yourself.[/quote]

I’d be hard pressed to believe that anyone on this site could even hold 600lbs in a static hold on a front squat, let alone do a quarter-front-squat with 1200lbs.

It ain’t a front squat.

I think in the same video they showed him doing box squats with the SSB and he’s holding onto the rack, probably pulling himself up with his arms/lats.