Hi guys. I’ve read a lot of articles regarding back pain due to tight hip flexors, however after stretching for weeks (told by chiropractor) I still have no results. I’ve initially injured my back 6 years ago, since then I have been in and out of pain. Just last thanksgiving (2016) I threw my back out and was seeing my chiropractor to stretch me back into shape.
Fast forward a year I’m not any better than I was before however I’ve been stretching my hips every day for a few weeks now. I’ve read how my hip flexors can cause lower back pain, However I don’t see any real improvement when I stretch or ice. This has been a constant pain that has stopped me from training at the Olympic level and as well as dance at the international level. If I may ask, do other people have this problem? And if so what exercises do you daily to loosen up the area?
This ha been a horrible pain for 6 Years now and 3 chiropractors, 2 physical therapists, and a spine specialist from Kaiser have given me no hope. I would really appreciate it if someone would explain the mechanischs of what’s happening in my hips and what exercises to do?