The article is called: Take the Leap: Be like Tiger Woods. It’s just a bunch of ‘really amazing’ stuff that he’s done, like bench press 240lbs(not 365), bungee jumping, and eating 14 tacos. I wonder what I should spend my internet ddollar on…
i understand that there are small strength athletes that are rather small but really strong. Tiger Woods is not a strength athlete. Futhermore why the fuck would an elite golfer be working out at the bench enough to bench over 300, if the bench press is perhaps one of the most non specific excercises to golfing that i can imagine.
BLASPHEMY!! Tiger is the man, I doubt he can bench 365 but he is an amazing athlete. If you look at photos of him now V 5 years ago he certainly looks more ‘built’ but he’s only 25 and appears to have lost that teen type build (gee thats a technical term)and filled out a bit. Natey I read the article too, how much is true and how much urban legend I don’t know. Instead of knocking the guy just lets just be impressed with how good he is, he certainly is one of the fittest golfers on tour and has taken the game to a new level. Rave rave rave, FYI a great fun sight for free is
PS. he is coming to NZ in January to play a tournament and the appearance fee was $2.2m (US) and they are talking about tickets costing $1000 NZ dollars for the week = US$2200 YIKES!!
I wasn’t even aware that Tiger benched…
Jo mama - I called the stanford weight room with a number I got off the website and talked to some strength coach there. He referred me to some woman who was the coach when tiger attended Stanford. Her name is Karen Martinez and is at westpoint now, I was going to call westpoint tomorrow, but I guess we already figured out what he can bench so I probably won’t anymore.
I’ve also heard that the Tooth Fairy DOES exist! Complete, 100% BULLSHIT.
Natey wins the Internet dollar. In the April 2001 edition of Golf Digest magazine, a challenge was initiated to see if someone could “Be Like Tiger Woods.” In that challenge, Mr. Woods’ max bench press was stated to be 240 lbs. So why is it that people would believe that he could lift 365 lbs., despite the fact that he clearly does not have the core muscularity necessary to achieve and stabilize such a lift ? I’d like to think that it’s because people believe the best of others, but I suspect the true reason is our culture’s peculiar habit of deifying popular athletes even if they don’t want or need such adoration. Several people in this thread have noted – accurately, I might add – that the bench press is not an exercise that significantly enhances a golfer’s game, yet many still argue that Mr. Woods is capable of achieving an extraordinary (by “normal” standards) bench press merely because he’s has excelled in the sport of golf. I for one find this attitude disappointing, particularly in light of the otherwise high level of individuality and intelligence that is normally expressed in this forum. Open your eyes, folks; look beyond the hype and think for yourselves. Could someone who looks like Tiger Woods truly bench 365 lbs.? The answer is unequivocably no. It’s true that there are many people who can bench more than they first appear capable of, but that is because the majority of people look at arm size and judge that measurement first. Learn to look beyond that very minor attribute and see an athlete’s overall core appearance and how they “carry” themselves. Once you do this, you will be able to tell the truly strong from the mythically strong. (Note that I’m not dissing Mr. Woods in any way. He claimed 240 lbs. and resisted the obvious temptation to claim a higher number. This earns my respect for him more than any arguably suspect number ever would have.)
I do too bench 365, and I also currently have a net worth of over a billion dollars. So why don’t you kiddies go and watch Nascar or somtin.
Oh wow! Tiger Woods has responded himself. Wow Tiger i’m glad your posting. Can I have an autograph? haha
240 lb is a very respectable bench press
both for any professional golfer – as others
have said, there’s no need for a golfer to
have an exceptional bench press, and bench
pressing AT ALL, let alone achieving 240 is
to be commended – and very respectable for
someone of his overall size not competing in
a strength sport.
Most likely he worked hard in the gym quite consistently to be
able to achieve this. I agree with Bob, him achieving 240 and claiming this for himself is far more impressive than others claiming 365 (or him claiming such an absurd thing.)