Can anyone with experience of using Joe Kenn?s tier system provide any input into this proposed routine? Apologies in advance if this post is a long one!
Strength/hypertrophy/conditioning emphasis ? I aim to compete in strongman next year, and want to build a solid ?general? base with this programme. Prior to this I have used a pl-focused template (chiefly the Joe Average one to anyone familiar with this), which has increased the ?big 3?, but left me somewhat soft and out of shape? Overhead strength and learning the o-lifts is obviously a priority.
For this phase I wont use any speed-strength work, as I don?t feel it?s a particular issue, and besides my overhead strength and pulling strength is so low it barely warrants DE work.
I have based most of the rep ranges from Waterbury?s set/rep bible? This differs from Prilipens recommendations, but as I say, conditioning and hypertrophy (along with the strength, obviously) are the initial primary concerns, I can tweak things later as my numbers increase to maximise power output.
Anyway, here is the first 3 weeks of this phase:
Monday ? Session L
Priority LB ? Olympic squat ? 8x3 waved between the 80-90% mark
Major UB - Incline Bench with bands ? 5x5 @ 80%ish, straight weight ? strive for record in week 3
Minor TB ? Power clean ? 5x5 @ 70-75%ish (I have kept reps at 5 here to encourage good technique)
Wednesday ? Session U
Priority UB ? Push Jerk ? 8x3
Major TB - snatch grip deadlift/power shrug combo ? 5x5
Minor LB ? DB split squat ? 3-4 x 8-10
Friday ? Session T
Priority TB ? Rack pull (knee height) ? 8 x 3
Major LB ? front squat with bands ? 5x5 (may occasionally switch this with DE work)
Minor UB ? CG bench with bands ? 3-4 x 8-10
At the end of each session I?ll add a few assistance exercises for 2 sets of 12-15 ? usually a press, an upper body pull and a posterior chain exercise.
After 3 weeks, I?ll change exercises and carry one. I was planning on doing 3-4 cycles like this and seeing where I?m at?.
Any views/thoughts/criticisms??
I will be doing sm conditioning 1-2 days a week. Apart from that I am a man of leisure, save the occasional game of tennis with the mrs?. Sleep, diet, all that crap is all ok.