If you were a poor college student on a budget, what would you think is the best bang for the buck? I’m looking to buy 2-3 of these to add to my multi-vitamin (always), ZMA (been on for a month), and resveritrol (just started taking). I also just started taking zyflamend and havent seen any real results.
I was taking CLA and that worked well, and I add fish oil on occasion… I like the idea of Flameout having all 3 in one bottle.
Also, as it may help: I’m about 5’ 7.5" 145 lbs, 22 y/o, prob around 8% body fat, and just started MMA training coupled with my weight training, and working two new jobs… so I’ve been stressed and lacking energy with the new routine. I just stopped my soy intake a month ago after hearing some horror stories and that has actually been really good for me IMO. I like long walks on the beach and watching the stars…
Sorry for the 3rd post in a row, but my 2nd one still hasnt passed the filters I guess otherwise I’d edit it…
Final notes: I am coming off ankle surgery to repair one of my ligaments, and that bothers me a great deal. My goals are to increase my overall athleticism and strength, maybe improve body composition (though it’s already pretty good), and not necessarily gain weight (dont care much either way).
Yea the more I hear about Curcumin 500 the more I think it could help the ankle…
I switched up my weight routine a couple months ago and have seen good results… lower reps, higher weight… I based it on the MAX-OT training system.
I have egg white protein that I only use when needed, fish oil, and a multi… I mostly just try to drink a smoothie after my workouts.
I may add creatine in the fall, but I have a football tournament coming up and last time I used creatine I had problems with cramping that I want to avoid.
Get Flameout or some other fish oil for your health and joints. Also, Cissus Quadralangis is GREAT for joints and injuries. Everything else isn’t worth it IMO
My friend said something about cissus as well, I’m going to ask him tomorrow at the gym and google it. I think I can actually get it uncapped in bulk for next to nothing so it’s worth a shot.
I’d say go with the Flameout. For the amount of fish oil that we need as very active individuals, it’s actually the cheapest. For example, I’d need 16 generic fish oil caps to get the same as 4 Flameout caps, so it ends up being hella cheaper.
Plus, it really lubes up your joints, and if you start to have joint pain you can usually megadose on fish oil and it’ll resolve itself fairly quickly. It also contributes strongly to nerve health, so I’d imagine it helps with CNS fatigue during intense lifting.
Other than that, I’d say you’re on the right trace. I just got my Curcumin 500 and in 2 doses (4 caps) it damn near overnight fixed some knee pain I was having.
Lastly, check out that resveratrol supplement that you got… I looked around for a long time, but as best I could tell, you could only get like 25-50mg of resveratrol in most supps when you paid like $20 for 60-90 caps. Rez-V is 200mg per cap. I don’t know how much you’re shooting for, but if you’re going off that, you might want to just be aware of it.
Chris Shugart wrote a pretty good article on the “triage” of supplementation:
Yeah, I agree that peri-workout nutrition should be your number one goal in terms of making any gains. Then fish oil comes after that if you can afford it.
If you want to go further, the Biotest supplement that has worked pretty well for me so far is Alpha-GPC. Made my bench go up 20 lbs the 1st time I took it!
[quote]PublickStews wrote:
Mouldsie wrote:
Also, as it may help: I’m about 5’ 7.5" 145 lbs
At that size, every penny you’re considering spending on supplements should be spent on large quantities of food.[/quote]
or food supplements: whey, PWO drink, and fish oil. Only things with calories.
[quote]Xab wrote:
I’d say go with the Flameout. For the amount of fish oil that we need as very active individuals, it’s actually the cheapest. For example, I’d need 16 generic fish oil caps to get the same as 4 Flameout caps, so it ends up being hella cheaper.[/quote]
I’m a big fan of mixing and matching- I take 1 serving of Flameout daily and then 12-15g of weaker fish oil caps.
yea i gotta get more omega 3… i do eat a good deal of fish and foods with added flax and canola oil mayo etc but prob not often enough
Forget the CONola oil.
[quote]PublickStews wrote:
Mouldsie wrote:
Also, as it may help: I’m about 5’ 7.5" 145 lbs
At that size, every penny you’re considering spending on supplements should be spent on large quantities of food.[/quote]
Most of his food MAY be on a meal plan since he mentioned being a “poor college student” that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be buying MORE food to help, just that much of it might be covered.
To the OP…I agree with many of the responses you’ve gotten:
(in no real order)
Surge Recovery
Protein (different than PWO, and to mix in smoothies and the like)
IF you still have $$ to spend…
Kinda a toss up between Curcumin and Rhodiola (and forgive me, but I don’t remember the prices of each right now)
Curcumin for the ankle pain (though sometimes pain is good, so you know what NOT to be doing so things can heal)
Rhodiola - for the lack of energy due to all the stressors you’ve got going on right now.
As for Cissus, I tried it and found no benefit. Others have…(at least they say they have) found benefit…YMMV…