So I just felt like sharing this because I was shocked:
So I pretty much know everyone in my college gym, at least the big guys anyways, but this year this new freshman has come in and is ridiculous. He introduced to himself to me the other day and we just made small talk and such but its his stats that are insane.
He is 18 years old 5’7 275 lbs!!! Big as fuck! He’s a pretty chubby dude but just takes up so much space. The other day I saw him press 315x4 behind his head, bench 405x6 and squat 495x8 like it was nothing.
Sick man just sick. I asked him if he was planning on cutting and he told me he is trying to hit 290 by the end of the year! haha. I hope I can talk him into bodybuilding, I can’t even imagine what someone that big would look like cut up, well I can lol, but 18 years old damn.
He was heavy weight state wrestling champ for 3 years in high school. I think he follows more of a BB split now though. From talking to him he tends to stick with mostly a higher rep range like 6-10.
[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
He is 5’7, pretty short if you ask me. But thats still some pretty insane #'s.[/quote]
Short people got no excuse.
Seriously, it’s awesome to hear about a guy who obviously has good genetics and the work ethic to make the most of it. All you ever hear about are the guys with awesome genes who eat and train like shit, though I’m sure 90% of those stories are pure bullshit.