Third Pulled Groin from Squatting

I’ve just came back from the gym and have pulled my groin yet again squatting. I wasn’t sure where to put this but i thought it may be a problem with squat technique so i put it in the powerlifting section. The first 2 times i pulled my groin i thought it was because of a flexibility issue but since those i have been stretching my legs before and after workouts. I felt the tightness/pain in my groin on the left side after i completed 235x1, a new PR by 10lbs.

I know a video of me squatting would help a lot but as of now i do not have one. I do however do all my squats ATG and I was thinking this may be the problem but i highly doubt it. Any ideas?

BTW, I’m 15, and 135lbs if that matters for anything. My sets leading up to 235x1 was barx8 135x6 175x5 195x5 215x3 225x1

Stats, not sure if this matters but might as well post them just in case
Squat: 235x1
Bench: 185x1
Dead: 245x2
OH press: 135x1

Thanks in advance

Damn your young to be getting groin pulls left and right. The only time i pulled my groin was an… out of gym workout - giggity giggity. But seriously I wish I could help that is very odd.

I suppose it could be a weakness issue. Whether doing side lunges and hip adduction would be helpful I’m not sure.

[quote]Deorum wrote:
Damn your young to be getting groin pulls left and right. The only time i pulled my groin was an… out of gym workout - giggity giggity. But seriously I wish I could help that is very odd.[/quote]

Yeah i know, i’m not sure what the problem is, i mean could flexibility still be an issue? Also i’ve had people who were bodybuilders and powerlifters in the past come up to me and tell me i have good form so i’m not sure whats wrong.

[quote]mrodock wrote:
I suppose it could be a weakness issue. Whether doing side lunges and hip adduction would be helpful I’m not sure.[/quote]

What muscle would be the weak link?

[quote]parsley wrote:

[quote]Deorum wrote:
Damn your young to be getting groin pulls left and right. The only time i pulled my groin was an… out of gym workout - giggity giggity. But seriously I wish I could help that is very odd.[/quote]

Yeah i know, i’m not sure what the problem is, i mean could flexibility still be an issue? Also i’ve had people who were bodybuilders and powerlifters in the past come up to me and tell me i have good form so i’m not sure whats wrong.[/quote]

Honestly I would take some time off from squatting if you haven’t already done so.

[quote]Deorum wrote:

[quote]parsley wrote:

[quote]Deorum wrote:
Damn your young to be getting groin pulls left and right. The only time i pulled my groin was an… out of gym workout - giggity giggity. But seriously I wish I could help that is very odd.[/quote]

Yeah i know, i’m not sure what the problem is, i mean could flexibility still be an issue? Also i’ve had people who were bodybuilders and powerlifters in the past come up to me and tell me i have good form so i’m not sure whats wrong.[/quote]

Honestly I would take some time off from squatting if you haven’t already done so.[/quote]

Well obviously im going to be sitting home until this thing heals but I mean i should be able to squat without pulling a groin every couple of months.

No I mean for a while after it heals. A couple months if needed.

[quote]parsley wrote:

[quote]mrodock wrote:
I suppose it could be a weakness issue. Whether doing side lunges and hip adduction would be helpful I’m not sure.[/quote]

What muscle would be the weak link?[/quote]

Inner thigh musculature perhaps . . . read everything you can about groin pulls. If you can, see a sports medicine doctor that works with athletes

How wide is your stance when you squat? If it is wider than shoulder width it might help to squat narrower.

The soft tissue quality of the inner thigh area could be shitty also. It might help once it has healed to do some regular soft tissue work with tennis balls or a foam roller on the inner thigh.

This is the basic idea for the soft tissue work (again give it a few weeks before you start, if it makes things worse, STOP):

See if you can sub in another excercise AFTER it heals (like, in a month or more) maybe switch to lunges, or split squats or something. be extra cautious, chronic injuries now could stay with you for a long time if you’re too hasty.

and by the way, you have a monster squat for 15 and 135. GREAT work.

Thanks for the replies everyone, and i don’t want to supplement the squat for another exercise because I train more like a powerlifter than a bodybuilder and powerlifting is one of my goals so I want to keep my squat high and taking time off from squat is going to decrease or at least not progress my squats, I’m not sure if this is true with split squats how ever but does split squats take out the glutes and hip drive involved in a regular squat?

Thanks for the compliment thirdnalga and thats the reason i’d rather not take squats out of my program, i want to keep it and make it even more of a monster. But if supplementing another exercise for squats is absolutely necessary i won’t be so stubborn and naive to refuse to do so.

To mrodock, thanks for the video and information. When im not feeling any more pain or discomfort i will be sure to give that a shot as i do own a foam roller. I don’t think i’ll be seeing a doctor for this but if the inner thigh musculature is in fact weak, what exercises can be done to strengthen this? My squat stance is about shoulder width, possibly a little wider but its never SO wide but at most an inch or 2 past shoulder width. Thanks once again

Also, whats the chance of this turning into a chronic injury, i mean it is just a groin pull im sure

I get what feels like groin pulls every now and again on squats. The only thing I can attribute it to is going to wide raw. I’ve had good luck with the soft tissue work on the inner leg and doing the yes/no machine for high reps (I don’t know what this is actually called, maybe the adductor abductor machine?).

Think maybe you shouldn’t go ass to grass if you keep hurting yourself?

I bet it’s a form issue, maybe bring your stance in? You should take a video and post it.

Well once this gets better and i get back into squats i’ll take a video and post it and conorh i thought about that but there’s obviously something wrong and i feel i should be able to go ATG so i want to fix whatevers wrong and I asked here to see if anyone would know

First off, if you do box squat, you need suit bottoms on or a pair of briefs. That will rip your hips up. If you squat wide, bring your feet in and stretch more often because you arent felxible enough to bring your feet out if you have pain when youre in the hole.

until we see the vid, we can only speculate as to the form thing. I like the suggestion about the flexibility tho, foam rolling, or using the stick, etc

In the same vein, what is your warmup currently like? I’m wondering if you perhaps jumped to your heavy working set too soon

DeFranco has his athletes do single leg work to avoid adductor pulls and strains in-season. If I were you I would make lunge variations a mainstay in your training for a while, and use cassock squats for a warmup before lower body training.