Hi guys,
I’ve been doing defrancos westside for skinny b*stards program for best part of a year and am thinking of competing in powerlifting as have found that at my weight an age an current lifts id have won my national under 23 championshipd last year (i live in ireland) just wondering how would u guys recommend a program for this?
was thinking of keeping the 3 days i do DeFranco’s template but going for singles instead of triples nd adding in a second lower body day of heavy rack pulls or deads an then repition work for leg pressing back exstensions and good mornings…?
also how many sets should u do when doing singles?
also if i were doiing singles am i right in thinking i work up toa 1rm an then try get 5 6 lifts over 90 per cent of this one repmax?
cheers guys!
What weight are ya and what sorta numbers are you putting up? Competition in the junior classes in Ireland isn’t that great but there are some good lifters.
The 100kg class both raw and equipped should be quite competitive this year, same goes for the 75’s. The 90’s may or may not have agood standard depending on how injured one of my training partners is.
The Irish Drug Free Powerlifting National Champs are on on the 26th and 27th of January down in Gorey, Co. Wexford. You should come down and give them a go.
from waterford man but train in limerick in college, i post on boards.ie the odd time seen there u did unreal at the world champs congrats man! yea im sitting round 89 at mo with a 145 for 3 squat 180 for 3 deadlift 105 for 3 bench would like to compete in a few months once i get a bit more progress on these numbers…my knowledge of powerlifting in ireland is fairly limited now just ask aguy who competes in the gym where i train so any help would be much appreciated!when is he next one after january?
They’re decent enough numbers, I assume you’d be doing the unequipped comp?
The single lift champs are on April 5th in Tipperary. You can jus sign up and do all 3 lifts and treat it like a normal comp!
WDFPF Euro’s are in Monaghan this year in June. The national champs in January are a qualifier for it like.
The IPO and GPC are running a combing national champs this year. Single ply on Saturday, multi ply on Sunday, both untested. That’s on mid-july in Limerick.
The IPO comp is a qualifier for the WPF world champs in Vienna in November this year.
So yeah… there’s hte upcoming comps in Ireland this year!!
You’ve really no excuse for not doing the one in Limerick…