Think & Grow Big Program?

any body tried this program? If so What was your experience?

I tried the Steppin’ Up To Mega-Muscle And Power! in a Ebook down load…
The book was of some interest with a few really good tips but I would say that 98% of the book was redundant ra ra ra blow sun shine up the but pontification. There was 2 mp3 downloads that came with the book uhhh if you ever saw the movie office space the boss in it is like the guy’s voice on the mp3…

Some what helpful but mostly cheesy…

Any one else had a go at it too?

Bill Lumbergh:

Aahh, now, are you going to go ahead and have those TPS reports for us this afternoon? That would be greeeeaaat…



For me it’s between that and the Extreme Calf Machine:

They both look to be a really good bang for your buck at around $100.