Thick Handled Bars

Anyone here have thick handled bars? I want one but its too expensive at the momemnt…Anyone know a variation…I was just thinking of wrapping clothing around it to make it 2 inches or so thick. Anyone use this…and does it work well for you…anyone have a better idea than the clothing technique I’m thinking of?
Thanks a lot.

Check into EZ-Grips. Here a review:

They’re the black things in the pic.

These look pretty good Chris. Thanks a lot. Do you know where I can order them though…I checked elitefts and they didnt have them

Two options that I’ve seen/used:

Foam pipe insulation.
Pick it up at the local home center, it will add an inch or two to the diameter of the bar.

“Pool Noodle”.
Available at almost any discount store, especially now that summer is coming to an end. They come in different thicknesses. Make sure it’s the kind with the hole in the center. Cut two six inch sections and slice it open. Slide those over the bar wherever you want your hands.

In either case it’s $5.00 and 5 minutes to try it out.

Go to a home depot, your one stop shop for all your training needs.

Bring a 2.5lb plate with you. You’re going to be looking for 2" diameter pipe, which on the outside should come to abot 2.125". Double check with the plate, but there should be a small amount of wiggle room between the plate and the bar. Works great.

you guys are selfish assholes.

fucking Dave Tate is fucking starving to death over there in fucking ohio (have you even seen the fucking pics), and you fucking guys want to save a few bucks and support big fucking corporate america’s home depot?


If you have a barbell that you can take apart. You can get a piece of PVC and a piece of that grey conduit pipe over that and put it over your bar to get a good thick bar. I put skateboard grip tape over the places my hands would go cause it would be too slippery otherwise. See pic.

I was thinking of doing just what you described there. How did you make a collar (or something similar to keep the plates from sliding inwards)?

[quote]wressler125 wrote:
Go to a home depot, your one stop shop for all your training needs.

Bring a 2.5lb plate with you. You’re going to be looking for 2" diameter pipe, which on the outside should come to abot 2.125". Double check with the plate, but there should be a small amount of wiggle room between the plate and the bar. Works great.[/quote]

[quote]Pinto wrote:
I was thinking of doing just what you described there. How did you make a collar (or something similar to keep the plates from sliding inwards)?

wressler125 wrote:
Go to a home depot, your one stop shop for all your training needs.

Bring a 2.5lb plate with you. You’re going to be looking for 2" diameter pipe, which on the outside should come to abot 2.125". Double check with the plate, but there should be a small amount of wiggle room between the plate and the bar. Works great.

The pipe I bought is only 6’ and I’m not good enough with a thick-handle to worry about bar integrity (I hope), but I just measured in, drilled holes, and ran some bolts. My cheapo spring collars hold the weights against the bolts. There’s some wiggle, but that just works the grip harder.

I wrapped rope around my olympic bar. It made it about 2", however, I really didn’t notice much of a difference in my 4arms. I do use a piece of inch and a half PVC for curls and reverse curls. I do feel this impacts my 4arms greater.

But I think the poster above who uses pipe insulation is about the best idea. It is cheap and it feels good in your hand instead of the harder materials mentioned above. Good luck!!

why don’t you just use the foam thingie that u put around the bar for a soft feeling on your back while squatting, put 2 of those things on top of each other.

  1. buy screw lock dumbells

  2. buy PVC in any thickness you want

  3. cut PVC to a length either longer than the dumbell handle (the bit where your hand goes) for a solid dumbell or shorter for a “rolling thunder” setup

  4. screw the plates on (making it either tight or loose)

works a treat

  1. use the “search” facility on tnation this has been answered many times before

I like you dl am a teenager who doesn’t have the ability to buy new training equipment with the ease most other members due.

I am fortunate enough to have an old handy-down barbell my dad bought a while ago but never used so I tightly wrapped a bunch of old washcloths around it (I used two washcloths thickly wrapped with electrical tape on the sides to hold it in place) to make a 2.5" thick bar.