Does anybody know if there are some thick grip adaptors I could use with normal olympic bars?
So I could carry them with me and just attach to the bar for a thick grip?
Fat Gripz are still bigger than a fat bar I believe. I have Tyler grips and they are huge. I wish they made them in somewhat smaller sizes to be the same thickness as a fat bar. But I guess you can’t have everything.
I wonder how the thicker grips will influence training loads. Any experience with that.
I currently bench press 400+ pounds. Last workout ramped up to a double with 407 in my 8th set. I think this figure will drop by 10-15% ? At least until I got used to de grips.
I have large hands and long fingers and my hands hurt after workouts recently. Hope the grips help with that.
Back and Bicep exercises will go down in weight. But you can add new training variations.
I spent sometime doing barbell curls with the gripz till I could no longer add weight then I’d remove the gripz and do a few more sets while adding more weight.
Pressing exercises initially will be lower til you get used to them. The one thing I noticed is once I go over 200lbs you have to be really careful with your hand placement on the gripz as they start to have some give to them.
[quote]ParagonA wrote:
Looking forward to training with them.
I wonder how the thicker grips will influence training loads. Any experience with that.
I currently bench press 400+ pounds. Last workout ramped up to a double with 407 in my 8th set. I think this figure will drop by 10-15% ? At least until I got used to de grips.
I have large hands and long fingers and my hands hurt after workouts recently. Hope the grips help with that.
every third post you do you mention that you bench 400 pounds