I am not well educated on the topic so i can only express my opinion. Take it for what it is.
I do not like when people use the names of bodybuilders who have died because of this and that issue and tell that its because of steroids. Why? Well, because :
Its just a statisticly significant chance for one of the 50 year olds to be a bodybuilder. And nowdays when youtube and IG is basically the modern Jesus Christ, there is also a huge chance that these people would be known.
And with this chart i just wanted to show that - people die in all age groups. Your chance to die in the ages of 45-54 are TWICE of what they were at the ages of 35-44. And these people are NOT steroid abusers but they all die from the simmilar causes that steroid users do.
In my country some people have died of Covid vaccine. But did they die of the vaccine? No. They died. Just happened they also had done the vaccine not too long ago, and the more time goes by, the more people get vaccinated(we still are under 50%) the more vaccinated people will die. Eventually, ALL THE PEOPLE who got vaccinated will die. Is it because of a vaccine? If someone dies of a heart attack 2 weeks after the vaccine, was it the vaccine or the vaccine just happened to also be there and we just want to demonize it?
I am NOT saying that steroids dont cause any problems.
When i was about over 20, i got into a hospital with a weird hearth problem, and i tought that it was because i was doing steroids. They said i shouldnt ever do any sports and all the usual garbage. Well here i am, more than 10 years later, having used a total of 10 times more steroids than i did before i got sick and for now, nothing says i wont wake up tommorrow. Dont get me wrong, im not saying i am all fine and forever will be.
What im saying is that i dont think we can say for sure that some bodybuilders died because of steroids. People die all the time, and the more people get subscribers on youtube, the more we know people who have died and just happen to also be bodybuilders.
I know there are “studies” that can be thrown around that prove this and that about steroid use, but we have to remember that these studies are done on how people describe their past. So a few people fuck themselves up and mention that they used steroids. Lyle Alzado claimed he is dying because of steroids, but how many people did exactly the same drugs and more, and DID NOT die like he did?
We cant make real studies when we dont keep people in cages and inject them with steroids for 20 years and study them. All the studies done are on info that people provide.
When i was a teenager, we had this local forum, and a crazy guy from that forum went to test some doctors. He said he has gone blind and he is taking stanazolol. Doctor said, that it is because of steroids, and he should stop taking them. The point is that the doctor never checked anything - its just that steroids came up, so its steroids. If a bodybuilder has a sick heart - its steroids. When a 23 year old girl drops dead from a heart attack - its tragic, but no one says - HA!! SEE??? She didnt do steroids!!!
What i do want to see is a comparison study about people who have done steroids and live to see 50+ and are still at least somewhat healthy.
And when i see a study that says that a 40 year old dude has shit heart and says he has done 10 years of anadrol, i also wanna see studies about - how much other 40 year olds have shit heart and have never taken anadrol.