Theory & Application of Modern Strength & Power Methods

for those that have read it, thoughts? worth the purchase?

come on I wanna hear about it

A great read; it’s been a while, but I know there’s a ton of info on advanced training methods, accommodating resistance, and a section on EMS as well. I would definitely recommend it.

Stay strong

BTW, CT, feel free to mail me that check whenever you get the time! :wink:

Great book! Both of CT’s texts are great reading. CT covers a variety of training methodology. The books are easy to understand.


Yeah it’s a great book… what you would expect from CT. This book basically gives you a bunch of “tools” that you can use when building your own training program, or when building a training program for someone else.

Great book! My favorite. So many different things he doesn’t write about that much in his articles… The best $30 I spent in a while.

[quote]KombatAthlete wrote:
Great book! My favorite. So many different things he doesn’t write about that much in his articles… The best $30 I spent in a while.[/quote]

30? the verion on young champs is 40? I’m interested in getting it since I have to take a road trip this weekend.

One of the best, most comprehensive strength training books i’ve ever read. In my opinion its a must have.

any more responses?

Good read. Christian did a great job.

on John Beradi’s website the reviewer calls it “cliffnotes of supertraining” true?

[quote]bigpump23 wrote:
on John Beradi’s website the reviewer calls it “cliffnotes of supertraining” true?[/quote]

Yes that is true to an extent. Some similar information is covered in both books. CT’s book is much easier to understand and apply. I have enjoyed both of CT’s books and Supertraining.

The thing I like about this book is that it gives tools for all people that lift weights: bodybuilders, powerlifters, and strength and power guys like me.

I have combined some of CT’s ideas with those of Brooks Kubik (Dinosaur Training) and came away with tremendous programs. Definitely buy it if you want to get bigger, stronger and recover faster from your workouts.