[quote]theBeth wrote:
jeez i typed you a longass love letter answering all your questions but apparently i either clicked the wrong button or the mods deemed it un-post worthy.
Anyhow, thanks for the compliment on my thunder thighs. If you’ve ever seen James Bond: Goldeneye you’ll get my inspiration.
My life philosophy is “If you’re gonna go, then go all the way”. For whatever I choose to take on, I leave my heart out on the floor and don’t hold back. I powerlifted competitively for awhile and tore my ACL during the squat portion of a competition. I finished the meet and got a pretty decent total but I lost interest after my surgery and turned to MMA training. Now my training just prepares me for all the things i dig. Rock climbing, ice climbing, snowboarding, skiing, kayaking, free running, and then the manual labor side of things like cutting down trees and moving em, pushing cars out of snow and mud, etc
I am going to school for nursing, working full time and single-parenting fulltime. I don’t have a set training schedule, instead i have a “quota”.
Pullups: 350 total, sets of 10. dead hang to chin well above the bar.
Pushups: 700, nipples to floor, sets of 20-30
Squats: 170lb, 10r, 5sets
Deadlift(sumo): 170lb, 10r, 5 sets
hip thrusters: 165lb, 20r, 5 sets
hyperextensions: 20lb, 35r, 5 sets
Dips: 4 sets of 12
HIIT 3x a week:
Tire flips
50yd sprints x10
Shoulder work consists of facepulls and rear delt flyes, clean and press, and snatches - usually during HIIT
Core is side and front planks 3 times a week, with additional power core moves during HIIT.
I don’t do biceps or calves.
I don’t train for aesthetics or competition. Just because i like to be strong and powerful. And it’s useful with my lifestyle.
I struggle with diet, mostly because i love to cook and bake so much but 80% of the time i follow an alkaline based eating plan of veggies, whey, fish, eggs, fruit, walnuts and sometimes almonds. I supplement with creatine ethyl ester, fish oil, rhodiola, b-complex, tyrosine, dopa mucuna, and chromium. I’m constantly experimenting with diet methods like IF, CBL, fasting, and juice fasts to see what works best for me. I don’t care about seeing the veins in my abs. And i don’t want to be miserable so I don’t obsess anymore.
TheBird is the word…or so i’ve heard.
Damn, thats work. Do You! I never seen a woman who had this philosophy or work ethic in the same person. Did you see the video, it fits your personality. I don’t even work this hard. I got work to do.