The World's Greatest Cartoon?

Rocky and Bullwinkle

Print would have to be Calvin and Hobbs

Dragon Ball FTW! Nothing can compare to its epicness, plus it’s about guys who do nothing but workout to save the universe.

Hulk Hogan’s Rockin’ Wrestling!

C’MON guys!! lol

nerdy wannabe asian style: zoids ftw.

Real shit: the early to middle of the southpark series’s. THe last year or two have been meh.

[quote]tplet wrote:

Right on

No doubt: Samurai Jack.


lol samurai jack…AKU! i also like courage the cowardly dog

The Tick or Animaniacs

[quote]Squiggles wrote:

Although I did just download every episode of Invader Zim and I must say, I enjoy it.
I was gonna mention that one too. There just weren’t enough episodes to make it a contender. Suffice it to say that “pustulio” and “head pigeons” have worked their way into the vernacular around here.

If you watch Scoobie Doo baked, you’ll realize that you are supposed to watch Scoobie Doo baked. Shaggy has always got the munchies and he thinks his dog talks to him. Velma is a lesbian. Freddy is a closet homo, and Daphne is a whore.

South Park is the best cartoon ever.

[quote]TheDudeAbides wrote:
The Tick or Animaniacs[/quote]

I loved The Tick!

‘The Critic’ was good, also.

As far as non-comedies go, it’s a non-contest:

[quote]powersavant wrote:
As far as non-comedies go, it’s a non-contest:


Fuck yes.

Also, when I was little it was Rescue Rangers all the way. Before I understood the concept of time, my mom would tell me time in units of Rescue Rangers (30 min).

[quote]Ghost22 wrote:
MytchBucanan wrote:
BlackLabel wrote:
Venture Brothers.

x2! It’s just awesome!


got seasons 1 & 2 for Christmas.

oh, and I second zoids for indulging in nerdy little kid toons.

watch the Venture Bros. episode that spoofs scooby doo, and you’ll never watch scooby doo the same again…

Johnny Bravo

Hes so big and is always bulking

how could i forgot bravo, “hey pretty mama!” haha great

David The Gnome!

I thought this cartoon was weird as hell…

But I have to say one of my fav cartoons is sponge bob.

[quote]MangoMan305 wrote:
Johnny Bravo

Hes so big and is always bulking


No wheels.

[quote]Synthetickiller wrote:
Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Nuff said.[/quote]

The end.
