Was the original “Jonny Quest.” Hands down. The action, music, people getting shot and killed. Oh, and Race Bannon was a badass, also. It only lasted one year…1963, I believe. The other re-makes in the mid-80’s and later were pretty lame and feminized. Check it out on Youtube.
Motion Denied.
“The Life and Times of Tim” >>> All
Batman the animated series
Looney Tunes
I loved Transformers.
Batman: TAS
Ren & Stimpy
The first cartoon written by cartoonists, not writers.
[quote]ucallthatbass wrote:
Motion Carried- We have a winner
[quote]BennyHayes wrote:
Was the original “Jonny Quest.” Hands down. The action, music, people getting shot and killed. Oh, and Race Bannon was a badass, also. It only lasted one year…1963, I believe. The other re-makes in the mid-80’s and later were pretty lame and feminized. Check it out on Youtube.[/quote]
[quote]PimpBot5000 wrote:
“The Life and Times of Tim” >>> All[/quote]
I’ve seen a couple of episodes of this and it’s an absolute riot. The Simpsons seasons 3-9 is hands down the best show of all-time. But the problem with that is the show has been on for so long and has been downright awful for longer than it was genius that I don’t think it can be in the running for “best” anything, unless “best seasons 3-9” becomes a category.
[quote]WhiteFlash wrote:
I’ve seen a couple of episodes of this and it’s an absolute riot. The Simpsons seasons 3-9 is hands down the best show of all-time. But the problem with that is the show has been on for so long and has been downright awful for longer than it was genius that I don’t think it can be in the running for “best” anything, unless “best seasons 3-9” becomes a category.[/quote]
I’m so glad HBO came to their senses and renewed it for a third season.
[quote]Akuma01 wrote:
[quote]ucallthatbass wrote:
Motion Carried- We have a winner[/quote]
no a show where there are episodes dedicated to “powering up” which means making sex noises for hours, there are so many animes even that are better imo.
Code monkeys
[quote]sardines12 wrote:
[quote]Akuma01 wrote:
[quote]ucallthatbass wrote:
Motion Carried- We have a winner[/quote]
no a show where there are episodes dedicated to “powering up” which means making sex noises for hours, there are so many animes even that are better imo.[/quote]
The cartoon itself was stretched ridiculously. The manga, the hand drawn book version, was completely different. Powering up was 1 or 2 blocks on a page.
Regardless, the anime still had a great ideology behind it, and is one of the greatest animes of all times.
Archer and the Boondocks both very funny
[quote]Iron Dwarf wrote:
Ren & Stimpy[/quote]
The only cartoon series I own on DVD is Ren & Stimpy. It’s STILL funny after all these years.
Batman: TAS or X-men: TAS both were totally fantastic and quite adult and complex. Also they had rocking opening tunes.