Anyone tried this? I was browsing conditioning items and I found this.
Does the mask only increase the resistance to breathing or is there someway is reduces the inspired fraction of oxygen?!
If it only increase the work of breathing by increasing the resistance of air, the claims that it mimics high altitude training are totally wrong. Training in altitude doesn’t increase the air resistance (actually air density is lower in altitude, but this aspect doesn’t significantly affect breathing). Training in altitude increase red blood cell mass because there’s less air oxygen for the same inspired volume, creating a relative deficiency.
I can’t figure out how a mask could reduce the inspired fraction of oxygen, anyone know?! Other the training mask is a scam, unless you buy it to scare little girls.
That seems horrible to train in and there are easier ways to achieve the same goal, ie sleeping in an altitude chamber. In Bigger Stronger Faster one of the cyclist guys made his own out of plywood and shit, looks like it cost next to nothing except for the pump.
Does the mask only increase the resistance to breathing [/quote] Yes. [quote] or is there someway is reduces the inspired fraction of oxygen?! [/quote] No.
[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
I’m gonna buy one just to mess with people
Wear it to Planet Fitness. Don’t break any rules there, just lift the way they want you to, but while wearing the mask. And perhaps wear a lot of leather.
[quote]Ct. Rockula wrote:
I’m gonna buy one just to mess with people
Wear it to Planet Fitness. Don’t break any rules there, just lift the way they want you to, but while wearing the mask. And perhaps wear a lot of leather.[/quote]
I had the same thought. The ultimate way to get kicked out. Get it on video.