This looks pretty cool. I guess it’s supposed to replace the snorkle.
Yah, looks pretty sweet. Saw it in Tapout Magazine yesterday, looked it up, and pretty much decided I’m getting it. It’s gonna be about a month before I can use it and say anything about it, though. Good ol’ NTC.
Well if it works how he says it does, it’s supposed to increase RBC count, and increase the strength of your lungs. I believe it’s supposed to simulate high altitude training.
Your take on it BBB?
we used a snorkle and would put a cap on the end for respitory training.
Now I sing (candences) while running, which sucked at first but got used to it.
The overall difference is not being winded anymore as much, and you maintain a steady breathing pattern (i.e. not hold your breath and breath rapid or shallow breaths.)
just observations not scientific facts mind you.
About the RBCs, I think he said that a professor or someone he gave it to, said that you were re-inhaling CO2, and it wasn’t enough to be dangerous, but possibly enough to affect RBC.
You will re-inhale a little bit of CO2, but only the CO2 that is in the device itself. So it’s a very small amount. A similar amount that a scuba diver would get from the dead air space of their regulator, but less than a snorkel.
When you breath out, the very end of your exhalation will still be in the device. So when you start to inhale the next breath of air, you first get the air that’s in the device before fresh air enters. So whatever CO2 is in the airspace of the device will be inhaled. It’s such a small amount that it’s not a concern what-so-ever.
^Yeah, like that.
[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
[quote]GSD wrote:
So whatever CO2 is in the airspace of the device will be inhaled. It’s such a small amount that it’s not a concern what-so-ever.[/quote]
Well yeah, that’s what I meant, lol.
BBB, how did you like that thing that you have that’s kind of similar? Is it one of those snorkel shaped things? The whole O2 Trainer seemed interesting when I first heard of it, but the more I think of it the less value I see in it. It seems like it would be more beneficial to play a wind instrument or learn kendo. At least you develop a skill if nothing else.