I have 2 questions related to pre- and post-workout nutrition, now that JMB has gone on record saying he’s had good results with his new protocol:
JMB says the easiest way to accomplish good pre- and post-workout nutrition is simply to split one’s Surge serving in 2 and take half of it before and half of it after a workout. I, however, find the taste somewhat disagreeable right before a workout, so what I’v been doing instead (which is pretty much what JMB said he did before he started using Surge pre-workout) is mixing 2 servings of powdered Gatorade and 15g. each of l-glutamine and BCAAs into 32 oz. of water, drinking this mixture during the first half of my workout, and then having 2 scoops of Surge right after. Is this still a good way to go about things, or should I really try to suck down some Surge instead?
Related to my home-brew workout drink, has the debate of L-Glutamine vs. Glutamine peptides been resolved? I’ve seen smart people take up both sides of the debate, and I’ve seen studies that go both ways, so I’m still quite confused as to which way to go. I know the peptides are relatively expensive and nasty-tasting, but if there’s any compelling new evidence out there to indicate that they really are much better absorbed than l-glutamine I’ll just deal. Thanks!