CT, over the years have you found the mental aspect to be critical, literallyin a physioglocical sense?
I’m observing that my mood, how I perceive my workouts, my energy level etc. DRASTICALLY effects performance and even body composition. I remmeber reading Skip Lacour’s stuff and 80% of his materials were about the mental aspect of bodybuilding and at the time, I hated it and thought it was bogus.
So in that vein, do you have any optimal recommendations? Some of this stuff can be counterintuive (i.e. pumping music, slapping face, being overly caffeinated could be in effective LONG TERM) but what I’ve found to produce the best results are:
- Music (you dislike this), paritculalry in commercial gyms.
- Pre-workout neutropic - coffee, tyrosine, spike, etc.
- An inflated sense of confidence (i.e. high energy/strutting around)
- Keeping pace up
- Pre-set “clearing” of mind (rigid rep/set prescriptions just kill this). It’s like your saying the cerebral/analyzing has to turn off. Maybe some physical cues but it’s really just “attacking” the bar.
- CHASING PERFORMANCE and never grinding. Sometimes I get to eager with your ramp and jump in huge increments. When I hit a set where the weight felt uncontrollable, my entire mood and desire to train sank.
For workouts when I’m “moody” and low energy, the pump, strength, and performance contrast are shocking. And certain days when I’m elated, I literally get euphoric and “ignore” pain. Its like a massive rush where “training to failure” for a rep range becomes meaningless because I just keep going. I’m not sure how many of THESE kind of workouts I should have and whether I should be chasing this “elated” state for long term gains.
I’m starting to understand your previous comments about “nervous system is king”. Like poundages are important but an external variable whereas stimulatoin/performance all comes from the “CNS”…