I think the standing army people were warned about is…the standing army.
The true story… that bear ingested a fatal amount of cocaine and DIED from it
Unlike in the film where said bear goes through a brick of cocaine before going on a rampage.
The bear apparently ate a few million dollars worth of the substance. Died shortly after…
Hey, I didn’t make the meme.
My dog sneeze blasted a gram right off of the mirror once.
She died shortly after too.
Kidding. It was hilarious.
Lol… you emotionally unhinged cunt
How much risk to the person doing the hold?
You realize that you need to avoid being stabbed, sliced, shot, while controlling the other person? You don’t want to become a victim yourself, and possibly get maimed in the process.
Maybe you can teach the police how to do this magic, however?
Then they won’t have to resort to deadly force themselves so often. Or are you the type who excuses them, but comes down hard on the “ebbil civilian” who uses the power we normally DELEGATE to the police?
Because the power descends from WE, THE PEOPLE, after all. It’s not the RIGHT of the police to inflict damage to enforce the law. It is that we can get to a higher civilization level by REDUCING - not ending - REDUCING! the risk to individuals, and increasing the chances that someone will be able to find and punish the transgressors.
But if you’re not READY and ABLE to deal with problems yourself, the cops show up to put a chalk line around your body, or you’re maimed. I learned the lesson in grade school; seems you’ve been lucky.
But not all of us were, nor will everyone be secured. They’ve found GUNS manufactured in PRISONS. GUNS, forget Shivs (knives). And that’s in a place where the COs can just toss you out of your cell and search on a whim. Even more “secure” than the planned 15-minute cities. You can’t stop the bad people… You can only respond to them in the language they understand. These people aren’t afraid of the judges, the courts, even the police - they must be taught to fear their would-be victims. (paraphrasing Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC; see Criminals should fear their potential victims)
Edit to add: This doesn’t negate the police as standing army, E.G. from above this post: The Jordan Neely Case - Rear Naked Choke to Restrain Threatening Crazy Guy - #447 by Alrightmiami19c - I think the link has the wrong post number, I think it’s #440? The “I am not a hero” meme is also true. And depending on those “would be heros” to defend you, instead of TAKING RESPONSIBILITY YOURSELF, is NOT a solution - chalk line, as mentioned. And the only way to STOP the standing army is to be able to MAKE THEM QUESTION, as the Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper notes: THEY must fear YOU. Who “THEY” is varies from situation to situation.
There is no “outsourcing” your safety.
Good find.
But what is taught as procedure? Is this just “extra”? Will they be fired or at legal risk for using THIS, instead of “following procedure” (i.e., “I was just following orders!” - statement made for a reason, now that Chauvin was convicted of murder - for following procedure, I understand. Chauvin shouldn’t have been a cop based on the excessive force complaints in the past, but if he followed procedure, that’s supposed to shield from such prosecution; and if it doesn’t, then why be a cop, or ANY role, ANY where, in such a situation? Then it’s all politics. In IT, you could then be convicted of stealing, for running the tests, or installing the patches, you were ordered to do. The video on the thread “Everybody’s trying to do the right thing”
Everybody's Trying To Do The Right Thing, It's Just Coming Out Wrong - look at the cop who left there about 10 minutes in, and there are others on YouTube, too - citing the same BS. No matter what you do, you’re wrong, when they need a scapegoat. It’s ridiculous. )
At the same time, though not a cop - I have more reading & watching, thanks!
Secondary note, I hadn’t really looked, but the YouTube video? Thumbnail shows a dead man. The training gun is pointed at his head - I hope that was a gun for the “good guy” in the scenario.
The point I was originally making, months ago, was that a choke hold was a bad choice. Generally, because you might accidentally kill the guy. And specifically because New York City has a special dislike for choke holds.
And that there were any number of non-choke ways to subdue a scum bag.
Then my response to you was to show that wrestling moves aren’t magic, and showing them to the police isn’t a revolutionary idea, because it already happened. And I don’t need to be the one to show the cops, because lots of other wrestling types are already doing it.
I’m not sure about politics or delegating authority to a standing army. But i do know it’s politically incorrect to choke hold somebody in NYC.
Regarding Chauvin, he violated all sorts of procedures when he killed Floyd. That’s why he was fired, charged and convicted.
Watch the documentary “The Fall of Minneapolis.” According to some of the witnesses who were interviewed, the technique that Chauvin used was prescribed by the Minneapolis Police Department training manual, which the judge at the trial refused to permit to be shown to the jury. I can’t speak for the accuracy of what the witnesses said, but it raises some troubling questions.
Whether Chauvin’s technique was allowed or not, I think the issue was that he continued to use it (for like 3 minutes) after he knew Floyd’s heart had stopped. That made it Not Allowed.
And then he knowingly didn’t render aid when the subject was under arrest and in cardiac arrest.
Then he knowingly prevented paramedics from rendering aid to a man who’s heart he knew wasn’t beating.
Yeah. Its an application thing, not a banned move thing. This wasn’t the WWF and the Cobra Clutch.
Almost any technique can be turned deadly based mainly on intention and application.
In fights I used throws alot because you can modulate. Just want to put somebody down, but make sure they know whats up? Just take them up and over.
Want to fracture their skull and turn them into a potato? Turn the force up to 11 and aim their head at the curb.
And anybody capable knows this.
Great point. However, it would seem that the jury should have been able to see the training manual, even if there is a convincing argument that Chauvin used the technique too long and/or improperly.
I don’t think the jury’s knowledge of their use of force would have changed the outcome of the event that was in question.
Guilty or not guilty is a legal determination, and I’m not familiar with the particulars of the trial.
I’m just really good at hurting people.
Chauvin’s lawyer should have known that no amount of beauracratic mumbo jumbo, tox screening or TPS reports were going to overcome that video.
Which policies ?
Violations of specific rules about;
Continuing to use force on a suspect who was no longer resisting.
Keeping a handcuffed guy face down, not laid on his side or sitting up.
Hindering paramedics who wanted to do CPR.
And vague ethics stuff about ignoring the departments de-escalation policy, not protecting human life and not sharing information about Floyd’s drug overdose with doctors.
You don’t even have to take my word for it! Chauvin was fired and charged because he broke the rules. If he didn’t break the rules, he wouldn’t have been fired and charged. And you don’t have to rely on my opinion, while under oath the Chief of police said Chauvin “absolutely” violated policy.