Thanks for reminding me why I stopped paying attention to this thread.
You’re welcome
That will only be the beginning of some new bullshit.
Is there a number that you would find more tolerable?
So… The other side is jihadism. The kind of people who would happily pull off 100 9/11’s and decapitate/forcibly convert everyone into Islam where YOU will be praying five times per day minimum
But aside from that… Which deep state actors? Give me a name.
Civillians get bombed because Hamas holds them at gunpoint “if you dare heed the IDF’s call to evacuate we kill you anyway”
They’ve actually been somewhat open about this practice, going as far as to call their civillians “martyrs for the cause”. On life television a spokesperson for Hamas said they were looking to kill any civillian coming home who had evacuated heeding warning from the IDF.
Using human shields… That’s on Hamas. Don’t want civillians to die? Behave like any other decent army and don combatant clothing, stop hiding in or under civilian infrastructure and stop opening fire from within densely crowded civillians areas.
You want America uninvolved but America’s relationship with Israel is highly strategic and transactional. Without Israel America has about a dozen threats pointed it’s way that Israel largely keeps in line.
So America not being involved with Israel is an America deeply involved with Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Gaza/West Bank etc. America is next up on the chopping block after Israel… Perhaps it’s actually more advantageous for America to find Israel and allow Israel to target and take care of threats to America’s peace and prosperity
Because no… It wouldn’t be a piece of cake for America to tackle all relevant threats with everything else currently going on… For one America isn’t having the easiest time finding new recruits, and sending tons of troops off into combat zones might not bode well with many
The slogan “Death to America” was actually partially popularised through Hezbollah in the early 2000s
It’s an ignorant position based on false equivalency. Make fun of Judaism or Christianity and you won’t lose your head. There is a difference.
Absolutely shocking
Wow I love Al-Qaeda now!
I am sorry you had to deal with that. I am sorry that antisemitism is alive and well. And the lengths to which it is perpetuated and celebrated makes me sick to my stomach.
Basically you are a vulnerable lost individual that was fed a weird christian zionist doctrine
The suffering is in Gaza but it’s all about your fake christianity which says Israel has to be restored for you to be saved
No I don’t care about Hamas, you are as mentally ill as them but at least they are defending their land