Here is Kit Cobello from Hard Lens Media. The meat of this warning ends at 10:36. After that is some recited prose from Jesse Jett so if you’re not into that sort of thing-skip it.
How original. Jews evil, commies good. The people who describe what’s happening in Gaza as genocide, are quite capable, willing even, to wipe out the Jews. As soon as you demonize and dehumanize a side, you have taken that first step towards that end. You do not stand on some higher moral ground and you are not as intelligent and free thinking as you want others to believe. I would suggest memorizing the following: I was just following orders. But we’ve seen how that worked out already. If evil is something that exists, then a sign of it is someone spewing hatred while telling you he is good. You have to choose between morality/good and hate. You can’t claim the former while engaging in the latter. That’s the definition of godlessness.
I like expanding my vocabulary. What does “caurionary” mean?
It is a word of particular cromulence, often used by people engaged in sopherential political thought.
Google it.
From Merriam-Webster Dictionary
The word you’ve entered isn’t in the dictionary. Click on a spelling suggestion below or try again using the search bar above.
A heart in Louisiana?
Oh no a typo. Wish I was like you and never made a mistake.
The problem isn’t the typo.
This is a bigger concern. Here you doubled down.
You totally won this thread. lol
Oh no! He didn’t realize he made a typo and took the question as something coming from the typical T-nation political poster and pretty much blew it off. Oh no!
How original and dumb conflate Jews with Zionists.
Yeah, as shown by what is going on over there. So fucking blinded by your own brand of Zionism.
Like when the Zionists say the Palestinians are like animals?
So spewing hatred is calling out this catastrophe. What a blood-thirsty moron you are. Stupid and evil.
Do you eat pork?
What do you think zionism is?
Zionism literally means “the belief that a jewish majority should exist that can and will protect jews if jews from anywhere in the world find themselves in exile”
That state is now Israel… but zionism itself doesn’t necessarily have to include Israel.
There are FIFTY SEVEN muslim countries in the world… many of whom have commited crimes against humanity worse than anything Israel has commited yet you’ve been SILENT about this… not posting about it once since you’ve joined t nation to my knowledge
Armed conflict in Yemen has killed at least 377000 civillians with around 90% being under the age of 5
In Syria over the past decade over 500,000 civillians have been killed by the government in power that has used the millitary, chemical weapons, mass bombing campaigns against civillians to kill rebels within the civillian population that commited the crime of not liking Assad.
Saudi Arabia has commenced bombing campaigns against other countries that are just as bad as/worse than what Israel has done in gaza yet you don’t call it genocide and you haven’t even made so much as a comment about it
Face it… you don’t care about dead civillians or children otherwise you’d go on and on about Yemen
You care because israel did it and Israel is an evil zionist/colonialist state… even thouth Islam spread to 57 countries throuth colonial conquest… the Arab slade trade was twice as big as the European slave trade.
Jews have been exterminated from these countries… how many muslims live in Israel
25% of Israel is arab Israeli… when interviewed and surveyed very, very few say they’re living in a genocidal apartheid ethnostate.
Why is it the muslims in Israel feel differently from the muslims in the muslim world?
Where are all the Jews in the muslim countries? If muslim countries have perpetuated extermination campaigns against the jews (to the point Israel conducted operation magic carpet to get jews out of Yemen BECAUSE they were being persecuted so badly) is it ok for Israel to get rid of it’s 25% muslim population?
How come some of these muslims voluntarily serve in the IDF with a few batallions existing specifically for ethnic or religious minorities who serve (provided they wish to be allocated to said units)? If they feel like they’re being exterminated surely they wouldn’t serve in the IDF particuarly considering service for them isn’t mandatory…
Before you tell me Israel is exterminating Palestinians know the death toll from the entire conflict is 60,000… so less than 1/6th of the death toll in Yemen over the past ten years and around 1/10th of the death toll in Syria AND that death toll doesn’t differentiate against civillians and combatants… at LEAST 25000 of those deaths relate to combatants
The rest are civillians who were in the wrong place at the wrong time… hard for that to not be the case when Hamas/Hezbollah fire from schools, hospitals, civillian households, mosques… ditto for where tunnel shaft entrances and weapons are put…
Under international law civillians are no longer protected by the rules of war when combatants fail to distinguish themselves from civillians
Engage in terrorist activity like fire over 20,000 rockets towards Israel from schools and hospitals… open fire from densely populated civillian crowds… force civillians back into their homes at gunpoint while evacuation orders are in place
And civillians obviously get caught in the crossfire…
In 1948 there was 1.1 million Palestinians… today there is over 14 million and despite the ongoing “genocide” the population is still growing
So you’re telling me practically the least effective genocide ever is unfolding… and even though Israel has the capacity to blow gaza to smitherines and wipe out 90%+ of the population within a day or two they don’t
Rather they’re perpetuating an extremely ineffective genocide even though Hamas is sending suicide bombers into Israeli territory (just last week one vlew themselves up prematurely) and Hamas has said they’ll start targeting anyone with Israeli heritage overseas via terrorist attacks because Israel bad…
Hamas also explicitly references externinating every single jew to ever exist in their charter…
If Israel wanted to commit genocide under the veil of getting rid of Hamas why wouldn’t they actually go in and exterminate Gazans and civilians of the West Bank? Why wouldn’t they flood every tunnel shaft entrance and burn gaza down to ashes (not rubble).
Israel obviously doesn’t care about foriegn opinion all that much…
They are SO powerful compared to Hamas… Hamas has to hide underground and sporadically pop up to conduct attacks… they have to rely on suicide bombings, guerilla warfare, blending in with civillians, suprise rocket attacks, raping and murdering civillians DELIBERATELY via instruction to do so in order to fight at all
If it was a genocide why doesn’t israel wipe them out immediately… because they could. You think the bombing is bad now?
Israel could drop the equivalent of 100 atomic bombs over gaza in a second with or without the use of nuclear bombs
They could flood all of the tunnels with seawater and they could stage a full fledged assault with bullets flying everywhere to the point gaza isn’t just rubble it’s ash
If Israel wanted to stage a genocide this is what they’d do… this is what they can do.
A civillian death rare during guerilla warfare of 0.2% or so is actually very low for guerilla style urban warfare
Look at how many civillians died in Vietnam (2,000,000)
Was that a genocide even though the target was the Viet Cong
… not vietnamese civillians
Furthermore… the Arab world has the capacity to take in every single Gazan refugee… why didn’t they?
Could it possibly be because the last time Lebannon took in Palestinians it led to suicide bombings on their own soil, terrorist attacks, the creation of Hezbollah and the destabilisation of Lebannon as a country involving a civil war that lasted fifteen years??
Or when Egypt took in Palestinians and it lwd to suicide bombings, terrorist attacks, the assassination of the Egyptian prime minister… other examples of the middle east taking in Palestinians and regretting it exist
What are YOU seeing that the muslim world doesn’t see? And who should let in Gazans if not for the muslim world that shares similar cultural values and ideas?
You don’t honestly expect a reply? IMO, as someone who knows more than the average American, which isn’t a great feat, on the history of Jews in Europe, particularly with regard to antisemitism, the only conclusion I can come up with when seeing history repeat itself, is that people are retarded.
Everytime the narrative becomes the Jews run the world, they are responsible for everything evil, and they have all the power, it has been followed by violence, discrimination, massacres and expulsion. Every single time. It’s amazing that a people who have so much control, money and power, have been unable to prevent the suffering they’ve endured, over and over.
What is worse than a genocide? And have these said atrocities been committed in my era aided by the country I live in? Yes the settlers of this country committed atrocities against the Native Americans, have I posted about it? No. Does this somehow alleviate the suffering of the Palestinians? Does it change what is currently happening to them? Should I not speak out about what is going on right now because I haven’t mentioned atrocities of the past? I’ve never posted about the Holocost. Has that changed something?
Proof of this stat?
This is the official narrative. Am I skeptical of it’s validity? Yep.
Let me pretend to be a typical T-nation political poster and ask you what this is?
Why did the Jews who lived in Iran leave? Did it have anything to do with the Zionists?
According to who?
Here is what The Lancet has said.
And we know this is true because the IDF says so because those nice young fellas wouldn’t just destroy infrastructure like that if children were present. But they could do something like this: Sexual and gender-based violence against Palestinians during the Israel–Hamas war - Wikipedia
I’m sure those videos are just cheap fakes like the Biden videos.
I agree with you here. The world has/is turning their backs on Israel/U.S. but the slaughter still continues.
You answered the question of why Hamas has to fight that way. What did you expect? Palestinians don’t have a standing army. How do they alleviate themselves of the absolute misery-where their own children/babies are being killed?
I think a case could be made.
What is lwd?
Why should Palestinians be forced to move from their own homes?
Your posts.
By getting jobs. Killing Jews won’t put food on the table. It’s a permanent welfare state regardless of the existence or nonexistence of Israel.
Lol we know this is true because
A: videos exist of Hamas firing from hospitals, civillian homes and a video exists of a firefight between Hamas and IDF from soldiers body cams and the fight literally takes place witnin a school!!
B: Hamas has, on live TV during interviews admitted they keep civillians at bay referring to them as martyrs for the cause. In one interview a senior hamas member specifes they will personally murder any civillian caught coming back home if they left following impending orders to evacuate from the IDF.
Are you telling me all of the videos, eyewitness testimonies, forensic reports etc is fake? Even the UN admitted rape occured
Are you nuts? Have you seen the video of an Israeli woman with her head on concrete… she’s wearing a black dress, her face is burnt, mutilated and disfigured beyond recognition and her vagina is bruised, battered, swollen and bleeding… she died
Are you telling me that video released on a shitty cellphone on Oct 7 was a fake? And the videos of Hamas with female hostages tied up and bound with blood coming out of their mouths/private areas throuth clothing are all fake?
In one video the captor caresses a shaking, terrified bleeding teenage girl and says “you’re so beautiful”
Lefties are all about #metoo and believing all women… I suppose the logic doesn’t apply to jewish or Israeli women.
During Oct 7 Hamas LIVESTREAMED the atrocities they were commiting… they were smart to livestream as opposed to recording and uploading.
The stuff I saw hamas do was worse than anything I’ve ever seen in my life…
It’s a tragedy what is unfolding in Gaza… but remember in Gaza over 70% of citizens still support Hamas and they WANT the war to continue if polling is to be believed.
This happened hundreds of years ago
Whats happened in Syria and Yemen is recent… and still ongoing… in syria 12 million had to flee
Did you know Palestinians killed 150,000 Lebanese during the Lebanese civil war?
The lancet? Youre looking at one study with what looks to be extremely flawed methodology published in Al Jazeera… a source banned by many countries, including middle eastern countries like Egypt as it has been accused of being a mouthpiece for islamic extremism.
Al Jazeera also released a ‘documentary’ that said Oct 7 wasn’t perpetuated by Hamas and it was Israel that killed 1200 Israeli civillians, no hostages were taken and that’s it… Journalists of Al Jazeera actively took place in the Oct 7 attacks
Journalists of Al Jazeera have been outed as members of the taliban, Hamas etc… they don’t even pass basic fact check/bias analysis
But i’ll counter what you’ve said with this.
And the fact the death toll was quietly revised a few months back with almost 10 THOUSAND being taken off
The current death toll is reported on by the gazan ministry of health… a wing of Hamas… a terrorist organisation
When a hospital was blown up at the start of the war the Gazan ministry of health instantly condemned israel and said 500 people died
Later a video resurfaced of a member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad firing a rocket right next to the hospital and accidentally blowing up the hospital… it was later found closer to 70 people died
Shit like this has happened about a dozen times where Hamas has been caught out lying
Hamas also refuses to differentiate between civillians and combatants. Hamas uses child soldiers, the age to become a solider is 15-16… but any man below the age of 18 is a child…
How is it Hamas has been able to accurately ascertain exactly how many civillians have died every single day… including womrn and children when buildings are being blown up, soldiers are at war… and politicians, statisticians aren’t spending resources counting every single dead body they come across
In Sudan there’s a genocide going on… it is said between 15000 and 150000 civillians have died, millions are displaced and up to 2 million may die in the next year
They could have had one. Hamas recives almost one billion in funding per year… the leaders pocket a fuck ton of that money… as does the palestinian authority. That’s why Palestinians rioted and protested against the PA for some time before the PA stopped the protests by use of extreme force.
Because Hamas forces civillians to stay in the line of fire… “they’re weaker so they have to make sure civillians provide ample coverage! It justifies human shields”
No… it doesn’t
When nazi germany invaded numerous countries that fought back… the people fighting the nazis didn’t hide behind civillians.
It can’t though. A genocide NEEDS to be deliberate targeting of a people for their culture, racial or religious background
Genocide isn’t the same as "war crimes’’ to which I’ll admit Israel has commited… as has Hamas… you’ll never find a war without war crimes… but believe it or not out of every army in the world the IDF (and even US army) are one of the better ones
Look up the imperial japanese army if you want to see real nastiness… or even the viet cong…
Once again… millions and millions of Syrians have fled. Over 10nmillion
These civillians aren’t dead. By discounting the narrative you are spitting in the face of every Syrian who left Syria over the atrocities commited by Assad… many who lost friends and family members who were gunned down in front of their very eyes. You are telling the millions of syrians who survived that they didn’t really have chemical weapons dropped on them… even Al Jazeera has released documentaries on what went on in Syria.
Some of these refugees despite escaping from such a hell hole have remained raicalised… as is evident by polls on what % believe homosexuality should be illegal, punishable by death… how many support Hamas etc
Why is it almost evert terrorist attack is related to Islam?
Yemen deaths… source… from UNICEF
“In 2023, a child died every 15 minutes in Yemen”
Gives the 377000 statistic… the majority of those affected are children… with over 2 million suffering from malnutrition
Most recent UN report on conditions in Gaza found no evidence of famine
As to the death toll
Wikipedias article on Palestine-Israel comflict
Death toll in Israel (israelis killed by Palestinians almost always from suicide bombings, mass shootings and stabbings)
Is between 9600 and 9700
Death toll in palestine is between 45000 and 55000… since 1948
Choose to believe 1.5% of Gazas population is dead over one incredibly biased study made using poor methodology… sure… it’s a very intellectually dishonest way of thinking to look at 100 reports and side with one report that is an absolute outlier and contradicted by all other sources.
It appears you don’t care about evidence… not believing sexual violence occured despite women taken hostage by hamas confessing they were raped with forensic evidence, videographic evidence, confessions from terrorists etc all backing this up… not believing in the testimonies of millions of Syrians coulled with evidence on video/from journalists who have gone into syria
Is like being one of those holocaust “revisionists” who have never spoken to a holocaust survivor but say all of the testimonies were fabricated… hundreds of thousands of testimonies were fake…
Serious question… is it just zionism you have an issue with… or do you dislike jews as a whole?
Do you believe jews control the media, the world etc
I was once in Israel to volunteer for the ambulance service “magen david adom”. In the service I worked alongside Israeli jews, Israeli arabs, orthodox jews, reform jews, christians, muslims… no one cared
While I was in Israel I was walking around at night and heard “pop… pop pop pop pop pop”
I saw people were running… so I started running
Care to guess what was happening?
But don’t think Hamas is fighting colonialism… Palestine was offered statehood in 1948 in an offer that would have given them far more land than they have now
Since then Israel has offered Palestine official statehood five times since Palestine was founded… for reference Palestine only became a country in 1988… and that was without approval or official registration which is why some countries to this day refuse to adknowledge it exists… one of these offers involved a ton of land and removal of 98% of settlements…
In 1948 when Israel voted yes to a two state solution… arabs said no and attacked with more than six arab countries where Israel was outgunned and outnumbered.
Israel was outnumbered and outmatched… how come they let Palestinians/arabs leave their homes instead of telling them to stay put (or be murdered if they leave) like Hamas and Hezbollah do during the war?
That’s what the “Nakba” is… arab for catastrophe… the rest of the world calls it the war of independence where 1/3rd of arabs left Israel because they feared the Israeli arms, 1/3rd left because arab armies tols them to get out and 1/3rd ledt because their homes had been blown up…
After that arab countries started the Yom Kippur war… another suprise attack with multiple arab armies where Israel was out numbered and out gunned yet even with the threat of extinction the IDF didn’t cower behind civillians and fire from schools and hospitals… you use being weaker as an excuse for Hamas to commit war crimes!
Had the arab world won in 1948 or in the 70s or during any of the wars the land wouldn’t have been called Palestine… the land would have been split between Egypt, Jordan, transjordan and Syria.
Goes to show its not about Palestine… it’s about the destruction of Israel
Palestine recieves billions in funding every year that could have gone into building better schools, hospitals, infrastructure, providing jobs etc… instead it went into digging tunnels, funding terrorism and providing civillians with a martyr fund
Zecarlo is right… the unemoyment rate over there is super high.
Before Oct 7 they paid out 330 million sheckles worth to civillians through their martyr fund… look up what the palestinian authority martyr fund is…
You are paid more if you died killing a lot of civillians, if you tortured or abducted civillians
During Oct 7 Hamas actually paid out more for every civillian killed, raped or abducted…
Hamas has started five wars since it’s creation… here’s a quote from the charter of Hamas
"The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and
kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the
rocks and trees will cry out: 'O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind
me, come and kill him.’ (Article 7)"
The whole charter is just a compilation of anti semitic conspiracy theories… referencing the protocols of the elders of zion which specifies jews kill and cannabalise non jewish babies by using their blood as a baking ingredient…
That’s what antisemites have told me
We somehow control the world and the world is judentric/jewloving
All over college campuses students are being beaten up
I was almost beaten up for the crime of being jewish once this year… my brother twice… the cops were called and apprehended the arab kids in my case.
I was two weeks out of a hip replacement hobbling around… they were waiting outside to “stomp my head in” because my brother was wearing a kippur at a bowling alley
They shouted obscenities and racial slurs at us throughout our time bowling…
So the world protects the jews that are being locked out of libraries, food courts, classrooms in college? The same college campuses that allow students who are pro hamas and spray swashtikas on benches and walls?
The same colleges that ostracise jews, teach revisionist history sometimes taught by Qatari professors (Qatar has been one of the biggest donators to American college campuses over the past 20 years)
Harvard used to be 25% jewish… now its less than 5% despite jews still exceeding in academics
Shabbos Kestenbaum is suing harvard for rampant and systemic antisemitism and harvard had to be subpoenad to provide documents and they’re losing the case
Columbia university… extreme… extreme antisemitism
My university… BDS posters… Palestine this Palestine that… zionists thould be beaten up… antisemitism
And the antisemites will then say “well if it happened it’s happening for a REASON! Did you know some jews were involved in feminism/porn/racism! They were over represnted”
Sometimes this is true… with communism jews were promised if they voted commie they’d be spared from persecution when they’d spent their entire lives being peesecuted… quite a few jews did vote for communists
The crazy thing is… amongst anti semites be it far left or far right many ideologies and conspiracies against jews overlap
Given the 800% uptick in hate crimes against jews over the past year… and the tremendous antisemitism in the media/world I think it’s fair to say the world isn’t jew loving…
My family friends in France had bricks with swashtikas thrown through their windows regularly… they eventually had to flee/leave France.
where I live a list of “zionist buisinesses” meaning “businesses run by a jew/jews” was published…
This idea there must have been a reason to punch down on jews is just so insulting… this idea that we deserved the treatment we got
Look at how toxic the muslim world is… if there was ever a reason for forced assimilation into western ideals that would be a reason…
Those i’ve met who buy into a lot of conspiracy theories generally believe they’re some sort of truth seeker who sees an objective truth/facts others don’t… i’ve never EVER met a conspiracy theorist (I know maybe 8) who has the capacity to think critically about the issues they’ve gone full conspiracy on. “Everyone else is delusional but I!”
It’s like they weed through information and the area of the brain that is supposed to light up when weeding through fact vs bullshit just doesn’t light up and everything and/or all the wrong things that can simply be disproven through a quick google search or objective checking multiple sides to the equation goes through as “truth”.
I’ve literally never met a conspiracy theorist who breaks this mould.