- What stats would you need to know?
- I will do so.
Typically, Rip carries very little weight in this forum. I’m a big fan, but have learned that there are a lot of other smart fuckers out there and drinking the SS cool aid isn’t the best idea.
I ran a SS NLP and got fat, a little bit. I also added 150 pounds to my squat in twelve weeks, it was fucking awesome.
But, with respect to diet advice, GOMAD sucks unless you are Rips typical novice - 18 years old, skinny, and with no lifting experience.
If you want diet advice, you will want to post your height and weight, a pic, current calorie consumption, your macros, and your goals.
Also, this
is virtually verbatim from SSBT and makes you sound like a shill or a troll.
This also contributes to the shill/troll perception.
To be clear, I’m a fan of Rip. I think he’s funny AF and knows his shit. He’s very good with new lifters and a lot of his coaches are strong lifters. But not everything fits for everybody and you have to think for yourself.
Lay off the cool aid, start your own thread, feel free to link to it here, and go find your own way. You’ll get a great deal of help from the peeps here, some good, some not so good.
I confess, I drank the cool aid and lived to tell about it.
Myth, because I love what you are writing here, I feel compelled to say it is “kool aid” with the k. Unless you mean to be referring to some sort of ghetto knock off.
I say this as a former fat kid who drank way too much kool aid.
Lol, the English Teacher lacks cultural literacy.
My family was too poor, or too cheap, to afford Kool Aid so I was too stupid to know the correct spelling, lol.
Note, it’s a brand name so the K and the A should be capitalized - touche’ sir.
In my defense, I typped it on my phone. Be proud that I managed to avoid most of my hamfisted typos, haha.
In my defense, in the interest of revisionist history, I think Kool Aid is the sugary drink you can buy really cheap at the grocery store.
On the other hand, cool aid is the Jim Jones jungle juice.
I didn’t really plan it that way, but it seems so clear now.
So, in retrospect, based on revisionist history, my lack of capitilization was just a Freudian projection to the future of my differentiation of Kool Aid and cool aid - one kills you through diabetes, the other is rat poison.
I’ll leave it to you to codify SS as Kool Aid or cool aid.
Really nice response Flip, in future can you keep these intelligent responses to a real training thread!!!
I think GOMAD is stupid unless you are severely underweight. But I’m 5’9 ~165, and my lifts are ~230 for squat, 185 for bench, and around 300 for deadlift. I just think that since I haven’t gone through NLP fully (I did SL 5x5 for about 6 weeks before I switched over to SS), in order to help my progression I should be eating around 3500 calories a day just to gain some weight. I want to weigh around 185 and put up 315 for squat, 225 for bench, and 405 for DL. Honestly, i’m just trying to get stronger. No focus on powerlifting or BBing or anything like that.
As a 5’9 lifter that force fed themselves up to 217lbs, I can attest it was a dumb move. I don’t feel you need to take that strategy, and I would hope you have much higher lifts at a lean 185.
I’m surprised you asked what stats I needed to know, considering you asked a diet question. You could have probably assumed I’d want the basics like bodyweight, approximate bodyfat, and age. But it seems you’ve provided that for another poster.
First off, I don’t think you need to eat as much as you think you do. I assume you’re aware of how strong I am, and I weigh just under 200 lbs. And while I don’t track my calories daily, I’m pretty certain I don’t eat as much as 3500 calories per day. And I have a high metabolism as well. Just something for you to consider. I think pwnishers results of a force-feeding diet are pretty standard. It doesn’t work well. I did the same in college, and while I didn’t balloon up the way some do, I was still the fattest I’ve ever been. It was fine for me, because that only equated to like 15% bodyfat, but I know it wasn’t optimal.
As for your direct question about peanut butter, I see no problem with eating it being a staple in your diet. I eat a lot of nuts. But I would definitely go with the ‘natural’ kind. The only ingredients on the label should be peanuts and salt. If it’s got 5+ ingredients, it’s not going to have a favorable macro breakdown. This is one of the only foods out there where I really care about getting the natural version.
I will be that guy and say that peanuts are a lentil rather than a nut, but that just stems from envy after having to cut both from my diet due to some sort of new food allergy.
God I miss peanut butter.
Almonds are my favorite nut, I recently found out I shouldn’t eat them or any of their by-products if I don’t want an itchy mouth. Quite unfortunate.
I still eat it. I just make sure that I don’t have to talk for an hour after consuming… because I can’t get any words out.
I went from peanuts to almonds to cashews to pistachios. Same thing kept happening. I had walnuts recently and didn’t notice anything bad, so I might try those for a bit.
We have “strict dogmatic paleo” friends that tell me that all the time. The one is doing an elimination diet for months to find food sensitivities after already getting a test done. 'So what can youu eat now?" I ask. “Grass fed meat with no spices and like 3 types of vegetables.”
That’s the level of crazy where I get off the whole paleo train. It takes the “eat real food” rationale and just goes insane.
So far mine hasn’t branched out, but nuts aren’t a big part of my diet. If I do end up loosing peanuts I’ll be bummin’.
yea peanuts are definitely THE go-to snack for me. I keep them at home and my office at all times. They also happen to be my food of choice when I’m doing a water-cut on the day before weigh-in. I get the completely unsalted kind. I’ll eat a handful every 2 or 3 hours to feel less awful.
Well I mean for the next few months at least, if I do manage to increase my body weight by 20 pounds of (hopefully) mostly muscle, those are my lift goals. As time passes on, of course I want all my lifts to go up more than my current goals. But for now, I think this is a pretty realistic goal to have for the next 3-4 months.
i agree, peanuts rock.
I mean, I’m just trying to get stronger, like i said before. I’m “bulking”, per se. I don’t want a big belly, but I’m not afraid to lose abs if it means adding a significant amount of weight to my lifts. Also, I’m 15. I’m 5’9, 165 lbs morning weight, and somewhere in the range of 12% bf. Picture coming, but i’m out atm. Also, I gained 10 lbs since this summer.