The Flame-Free Confession Thread

That lift was good. I get really impressed by people who are good at things I’m bad at.


@Bauber is a freak of nature!

I changed in my car countless times when I was in college. Sometimes into a suit and I stepped out looking good. Not sure how I pulled that off because now I can barely make that happen at home.


Amen…although I’m proud of my best competition lifts, now that my best days are all in the rear view mirror, it’s the working sets I value most. I’m 46 here, already past my peak, but my son is old enough to appreciate the old man. SQ-410x15 & 320x20 in the same workout.


I believe BB is bad for your body. :grin:

Why? Increased protein intake? Tendon wear? Or the drugs? No flame.

Do you think it’s worse than jogging or biking as a hobby?

I should have put extreme BB but anything to much isn’t good for your body. Body can only take so much. But yes your heart, muscles, tendons. It can only take so much.

Nothing is good for you.


Pizza :pizza: is good for you. I don’t care what people say. Oh and tacos


Agreed here. I have a 100% chance of dying. Doesn’t matter what I do, I’ll have the same outcome in the end.


Wow they are some real nice squats! I can’t imagine the mental fortitude it takes to do 2 sets of heavy squats like that. I would have to hire a wheelchair for the next week :joy:

I believe pizza is bad for your body :D.

I should have put extreme pizza but anything to much isn’t good for your body. Body can only take so much. But yes your heart, arteries, digestive system. It can only take so much.

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bb is good for you. I don’t care what people say. Oh and powerlifting.


Touche flipper

good point. i’ve been doing some research on low bar back squats and everything i said is wrong because using the most weight through the greatest effective ROM is best for total overall strength. and yea, zerchers give arm bruises. And now i’m squatting 205 x 5 x 3 for SS. By the way, knees also feel much better.

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this was the article i read.

it’s not that you’re 100% wrong. my whole point was that blanket statements are generally problematic. ‘X is the a better lift than Y in all cases’ is never true, because it doesn’t account for individual goals.


Person A competes in strongman, and his biggest weaknesses are the Conan’s wheel and Atlas Stone events. As an amateur strongman, he rarely, if ever, sees a back squat event in competition. He also feels he lacks the mental toughness to push through physical pain in training and in competition, and wants to work on that. Person A is a prime candidate to prioritize the zercher squat in his training.

Person B is an elite powerlifter, and does not plan to compete in other sports in the future. He also happens to have a bicep tear in his past. Person B should stick to back squats.

Person C is a novice lifter, and is very interested in several aspects of the iron game. He doesn’t want to narrow his focus until he’s really figured out his niche. He wants to try a lot of things. He needs to build overall strength, develop his physique aesthetically, he’s competitive, and he wants to keep his options open for the future. Person C should incorporate front squats, back squats, zercher lifts, and anything else that strikes his fancy until he is several years into his lifting career and really knows what he wants to get out of the gym.

You’re probably Person C. Don’t limit yourself with absolutes.


I’m the asshole who jumps in with platitudes like: There are no good (for you) or bad (for you) foods. :smile:

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Thank you. Just a random question, though-- I recently switched from Stronglifts 5x5 to SS 3x5 because Mark Rippetoe knows his shit and his books are wonderful. I’m eating a lot of peanut butter to account for extra calories just because its cheap and i dont really have access to much meat throughout the day. Also, i’m lactose intolerant so is this an acceptable replacement for milk or something?

Mark Rippetoe is not someone to look to for diet advice. And I can’t give you diet advice without knowing anymore stats about you. I would suggest posting this question in a different thread/forum though, if it’s a concern of yours. Although I bet if you searched through T-nation archives, you’ll find your answer easy enough.