Guys, you might want to let this one go. He’s not really developed enough to warrant steroid use but he’s not a noob and IMO he’s been rather tolerant of all the shit thrown at him in that thread. Steroids are also DOSE DEPENDENT. I can give you the same thing he’s used for the same amount of time and you won’t look like him.
In addition, I only flame people who are intending to do steroids with the intention of dissuading them from actually using. If they’ve already started, there’s really no point in doing that.
I agree with Yogi that it all seems unwarranted but that said, OP is engaging in a multi-page argument with a literal child which really takes away any moral high ground he may have had.
I just miss the “block” button. There are some folks that say such stupid things so often and contribute so little due to a lack of accomplishment that I don’t miss anything but just removing them from my experience.
To be honest…I’m more impressed with people’s working sets than I am with their 1rms. To me, if your working set is well over 450+lbs, or creeping up into the 500s (slightly less for bench, obviously) ,you have my full, undivided attention.
Flips 345lb x 20 rep squats is probably the most impressive in-house video I’ve seen on these forums and yet I’ve seen quite a few 600+ 1RM squats and pulls.
I’m here to confess that I agree with this statement. We’ve all said dumb shit online, but let’s expect each other to behave better than the rest of the internet, or at least most of it.
I don’t change in the locker room, ill use the restroom in the locker room, but I change in my car.
Which i can imagine is funny to watch a 6’7 dude in a charger.