The Flame-Free Confession Thread

What if I just do it orally, talking about the Pharma section, can I still get benefits without losing them when I stop talking about them?


I kind of enjoy /r/steroids even though I’m natty:-) Just for the sheer insanity.

I stumbled on r/dnp once. Fascinating watching people talk each other into using poison and ignoring yellow vision sides. Just terrible.

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holy crap this is a long thread. I’ve never really looked at it before now, but I was recently tagged, soooooo here I am. I’ll try to get myself caught up on the 4600 posts, lol. I have to believe that a thread this big has to have SOMETHING worth reading.

I’ll try to think of a good confession, but here’s one to start with…

Before this monday, I had gone 3 months without squatting. I also can’t remember the last time I was in the gym more than 2 days in a given week. It’s been awhile.


Rather than flame you I want to know how to get those results on two days per week. If you say Arthur Jones/Mike Mentzner HIT I’m going to throw up lol.

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I’m gagging for those YELLOW VISION GAINZ man

Well I haven’t been gaining recently, just kind of maintaining. But I haven’t been to the gym more than 4 times in a week this whole year, and that’s only been a handful of weeks. It’s generally 3. If I make it to the gym 3 times, it usually means I’ve done a strongman event day that could include any number of movements, usually at least one carry and one overhead press. Another session will be squats (until recently), and the 3rd will be bench press, or deadlift if I haven’t done it recently, or an extra OHP day.


I think you have nailed the reason the beginners section gets all those “what’s the perfect program”, “how’s my take on 5/3/1 even though I haven’t even started lifting weights yet” threads.

Then, the ensuing outpouring of veterans dismantling said posters seems to deter these threads for a while. Time passes, those threads are forgotten, and the wheel of the holy grail of programs rolls on anew.

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That’s what my first post on this site was. I was so proud of what I’d come up with but damn it was a lot of rubbish- just random rep ranges for random exercises I’d read about.

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I have zero desire to write a program. Ever. I don’t have any ideas that are better than what countless others have had before me. The ONLY reason anyone should be writing a program these days is to try to make money off of it and con people into thinking they’ve got new and better ideas.


I have concluded that allot of younger guys have NO clue about the history of the weight related sports…


Eh I wouldn’t bother. It’s just a lot of shit talking. Amusing shit talking but shit talk all the same.

It’s one of my fav threads coz goddam I love to talk some shit :joy:


I don’t think I had much idea at a young age. I knew of Arnie, I knew Pyrros Dimas. That’s probably it and I could probably tell you nothing outside of those guys lol

I believe that Zercher deadlifts from the floor followed by Zercher Squats are better than back squats. And that Zercher Holds train abs better than back squats and deadlifts. If you can handle the arm bruises :sob:

Confession, I’m not using a program currently. I just do what I want when I feel like it. I’ve done this a couple of times in my short lifting career and each time I’ve done it, I dare say I’ve at least made some sort of progress in some lift I probably would’ve never done if I was on a program.

Programs are overrated, too many people become too anal with it. It’s just a means of structured progressive overload. I’m only referring to general strength training since I’ve no experience with Bodybuilding and I see the need for periodization/structure for peaking in powerlifting.


great set of beliefs there. Good luck with that.

also: define ‘better’.

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I was reminded yesterday on here regarding something that annoys the crap out of me. The practice of guys jumping on the PED train before they have any real time under a bar. It is amazing how many guys will do this anymore, first a Guy gets a gym membership and the second thing he does is get on a God Damn cycle. Bastards haven’t even mastered their Bench form but they are already doing a gram a week…WTF!! Or they will jump on because of zero gain mostly because they have zero clue how to program training or diet and probably never will. If a guy has actually milked out all the gains he’s going to get through effort and productive training over the course of years and decides it might be time. Than for me personally, it doesn’t bother me at all. Regarding Teenager or should I say minors … yeah, hell no never.


It’s obvious. More arm bruises.



and zerchers are superbadass, right?

I think any time a person describes a particular movement as objectively ‘better’ than a different version of the movement, they probably don’t know what they are talking about. In this case, there are very clear reasons why zerchers are not objectively superior to back squats. The main 2 would be: volume and maximal loading. These 2 things happen to be pretty important training factors, too. I’ll explain.

I’ve done zercher lifts, zercher squats, front squats, and back squats. I can definitely say that nobody is completing a zercher lift or a zercher squat with the same weight they are capable of in a back squat. This means that the zercher movements are limited when it comes to how much loading you can place on the hips, quads, and hamstrings. So that’s a problem.

The other issue is, as I said, volume. Nobody is going to be completing zercher lifts for sets of 15+ with any appreciable weight. The arms will simply give out sooner than the muscles that are meant to be trained will. It’s the same reason I can’t do front squats for my volume work. I lose my grip consistently before my legs are fatigued. This isn’t a universal problem with front squats, as many folks have much better mobility than I do, but it is universal with the zercher movements.

tldr: limiting factor isn’t pain. It’s work capacity.


While we’re on the subject of zerchers, does anyone else pronounce the “ch” with a “k” sound? Zer-ker? That’s how I say it. I’ve heard in videos people using the “ch” sound, zer-cher. Just curious if I’m alone here.

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