A short, but interesting piece on the female bodybuilder:
A short, but interesting piece on the female bodybuilder:
Pro female bodybuilding is dying and good riddance. It scares real women away from weight training. On another point, has everyone else noticed that the fitness babes that marry pro BB’s are starting to look like their hubbies? Lee Priest’s wife and that dude that was in jail’s wife (forgot his name) are starting to show signs of heavy usage. (Kelly Ryan?)
I was looking through some Weider magazine, I forget which one, and there was a picture of Lee and Cathy Preist washing a Hummer or something. She looked terrible. With Lee’s boyish face, Cathy looked more like a man than him, her skin was like sand paper.
I think that Kelly Ryan is looking prettier lately, she must have had plastic surgery, she isn’t that pretty though.
I think that fitness is just going to evolve into bodybuilding, since the fitness girls look so much different in the offseason, and when they compete. They should have made fitness drug tested when they started, or done that with the new figure class, that's the only weigh to stop the snowballing of drug usage among girls.
While I was in Vegas 2 weeks ago. I ran into a couple women that said they were top 25 competitors in bodybuilding. If you have never seen these women in real life, you will be amazed. They are freaks! One of these “girls” was over six feet in heels, with 17-18" ripped arms that she brandished with authority. From a psychological POV, what are women bodybuilders making up for? Any ideas? Perhaps there is a website with a more graphic explanation of this phenomena?
Great points, guys! I tell you…I thought it was just me…but I really think that the top level Fitness competitors are taking on a “harsher” look. And I think I mentioned this before…I saw a group pic of a bunch of Fitness Competitors in one of the Mags recently; these gals were DEFINITELY larger than the average Olympia line-up of the '80’s.
Do you guys remember who it was (I want to say Mia Finnegan)…any way…Mia was VERY upset when she lost a Fitness contest to a larger, “ripped” woman in the mid '90’s. In what may be a prophetic warning she told the judges that if they didn’t stop the direction the judging was appearing to go, Fitness Competitions would be destroyed…we’ll see…
I am not sure if they are trying to make up for anything, that might be too complicated. I think it’s just a snowball type thing. They started with a cycle of primo, and looked good, so then they tried deca. Then they started entering contests, and it sucks to not win, and to win you need to take drugs. So basically they are just trying to one up each other and what not, just like the guys. I think we see them as going from normal people to freaks, or going from Point A to Point Z. However, to them there has been Point B,C,D, etc, so much so that they haven’t really realized what they’ve become. I guess what I’m getting at is that they never thought as a normal female “I want to take steroids so i look like a man.” It’s silly from a financial point of view too, I mean, Ms Olympia doesn’t get any contracts or endorsement deals like the men.