[quote]gswork wrote:
[quote]Westclock wrote:
[quote]idowhatican wrote:
Is that not what they claim it is though? Have you used superdrol bonez?[/quote]
I have.
Its more like drol than masteron
Methylation completely changes the compound.[/quote]
What did it do for you and did you get to ‘feel like crap’ like many users? I wonder why it has that reputation.
What’s interesting about this one is that, unlike many established AAS, it isn’t backed by lots of research and so is very anecdotal. It seems to have a reputation for being bad for lipids and for the liver - but I doubt it can be worse than others, possibly just because its legal in some places and so is used by those new to AAS and not ready for the side effects.
Anyway, Dianabol and Test seem to win as far as the feeling is concerned though interested in the effect of increased fluid/blood volume and thus blood pressure and how that might negate some of the positives (e.g. headaches and irreversables such as hypertensive hetinopathy - eye damage)
The feeling like crap stems mostly from people not realizing that it is a steroid. Drop your natural test (and also estrogen) production lower than normal and you hit lethargy, low sex drive, etc, the feeling like crap many describe.
Superdrol does not aromatize and isnt very similar to test, so it is a poor hormone replacement.
It will shut you down, it is fairly potent, if you run it for 6 weeks, your going to hit suppression for a pretty decent length of the cycle.
Sure it has some legitimate sideeffects, but run with test its not even noticeable, dbol has many more sideeffects, and I and everyone else loves dbol and take them like candy, just for some prospective.
The average superdrol user barely knows what they are doing you cant ask them to run a replacement dosage of test, or use HCG…it just isn’t going to happen. So I simply have them stick to shorter cycles.
Its not great on the liver, but no worse than any other commonly used oral, and its certainly not as bad on blood pressure as tren, or dbol or drol.
All and all I would hesitate to call it anything but mild for a potent steroid, but somewhat more potent than the average PH user is used to, hence the reputation.