The Feeling of Being On

To someone uninitiated, how would you describe the ‘feeling’ of being on AAS?

From reading it appears to vary from ‘like crap’ through ‘same as usual’ to ‘fantastic’ and varies by particular steroid too, what do you believe are the reasons for the feeling you have. Just interested, much appreciated.

Some examples you might want to pick out, for instance


Test E
Tren E
Sus 250

and PCT’s


Testosterone makes me feel good. Dianabol makes me feel even better, awesome even. Tren makes me feel pretty good (so long as I am running it with low Test or Dianabol). Superdrol makes me feel like crap. Nothing with Nolva. That’s about all I got for you.

Strong. Me feel strong. And like making break-angry hump on women. All of them. They like too.

Never ran deca without test, so cant really comment.

Dbol = feel fucking good, I get very uninhibited, just kinda do whatever I want.

Test = feel like you only a much better you.

winny = not much of a difference mentally

tren = shorter temper, and warm, some guys get anxiety, agian most will see aggression.

Nolva and other SERMs = mood swings, I cried for the first time in years over completely nothing, anxiety, etc. Not EXTREME, but noticeable…if anything its interesting, its like a taste of what girls must feel like everyday.

OMG me too!!

Not just the crying but the anxiety over my relationship(s). Liek the power dynamic with my girl shifts so rapidly. Cos normally if i’m out or AWOL for a couple of days, my one girl freaks the fuck out.

But on nolva/clomd ANY serm, i turn into a needy little bitch “why hasn’t she replied to my text??? she’s so distant these days, she doesn’t love me like she used to OMG!!!”

This is a dramatic shift in behaviour, cos i NEVER used to give a shit. At all. And she hated that.

your just coming to terms with the fact you are a woman trapped in a mans body

dianabol=sense of well being, amazing pumps ‘Oh yeah!’

test=anything at or over 100mgs a day means I am a loose cannon, so that is not a good thing. again though, that is a part of my personality, it is just majorly amplified.

tren=warm, mildly anxious, strong as fuck, and able to hold a conversation but possibly interupt with some tactless statement.

There is something to be said but each individual drug’s effects on the brain; and the different chemicals it suppresses, produces or over expresses, but at the end of the day low-to-moderate doses of steroids are generally going to enhance who you are.

If someone is very easy going, a good communicator who avoids senseless argument, this is going to be enhanced.

If you are an angry person with a penchant for sporadic outbursts of violence; this is going to be the worst case roid-raging person. Just remember, this ‘roid rage’ was present before, they just didn’t have synthetic hormones in their body…

interesting stuff thanks, especially that it varies so much.

dianabol does have a good reputation, i’ve read that before - though also that some ‘brands’ dont give the well being, also read the feeling like crap on superdrol too (so taking both makes you feel average :slight_smile: ). No wonder some like dianabol just as a pick me up before training.

Tren sounds tricky and Test, well it’s straight test so more of the same.

Might that nolva/clomid effect be tied up with being post cycle? Guess it might as you wouldnt normally take it alone.

How is your appetite affected for the different AAS (if at all)?

Live781 made this exact thread a while ago and yall flamed his ass pretty bad for it.

Anadrol: You pick up the dumbells and think OMG this is gonna be heavy.
And it FEELS heavy, you think at most you’re gonna get three ugly reps.
Then the damn things just fly up! Eight reps!
Shit did I do that??


It’s pretty great! :slight_smile:

[quote]gswork wrote:
also read the feeling like crap on superdrol too (so taking both makes you feel average :slight_smile: ).[/quote]

When I ran it, what made me feel better was to eat tons of carbs. Otherwise I felt so crappy that it was having a major effect on my workouts so I dumped it for Dianabol (excellent decision, complete 180 turnaround almost immediately). That’s why I personally view Superdrol as purely a bulking compound - and bulk you will, it definitely put on the mass. But I’m sure no matter how much I run it in the future (IF I run it again) I will always feel a little uneasy when I take my dose. The enormous lack (comparatively speaking) of research behind that compound and the variability in the sides people report makes it a little scary. But, that’s the price you pay when using over-the-counter, resurrected steroids.

isn’t superdrol supposedly just methylated masteron?

[quote]idowhatican wrote:
isn’t superdrol supposedly just methylated masteron?[/quote]

It’s effects are nothing similar to masteron

Is that not what they claim it is though? Have you used superdrol bonez?

[quote]idowhatican wrote:
Is that not what they claim it is though? Have you used superdrol bonez?[/quote]

I have.

Its more like drol than masteron

Methylation completely changes the compound.

[quote]Westclock wrote:

[quote]idowhatican wrote:
Is that not what they claim it is though? Have you used superdrol bonez?[/quote]

I have.

Its more like drol than masteron

Methylation completely changes the compound.[/quote]

Yeah, I think the original name “Superdrol” was supposed to mean “Super Anadrol”.

I was just reading something about Sdrol and it says that the effects are inbetween masteron and anadrol.

[quote]TheBigV wrote:
I was just reading something about Sdrol and it says that the effects are inbetween masteron and anadrol.[/quote]

I have described it as such in the PH thread before.

It does not cause water retention and seems to have some hardening and fat burning aspects, but has high strength gains, pumps, blood pressure, etc, overall a very good drug for OTC. Better used as a bulker in my opinion.

I would compare it to dbol for strength dosed appropriately, not mass or aggression however and it kicks in much slower than dbol, which is near immediate, I have used it before with test simply because it was cheap and readily available before the crackdown.

[quote]Westclock wrote:

[quote]idowhatican wrote:
Is that not what they claim it is though? Have you used superdrol bonez?[/quote]

I have.

Its more like drol than masteron

Methylation completely changes the compound.[/quote]

What did it do for you and did you get to ‘feel like crap’ like many users? I wonder why it has that reputation.

What’s interesting about this one is that, unlike many established AAS, it isn’t backed by lots of research and so is very anecdotal. It seems to have a reputation for being bad for lipids and for the liver - but I doubt it can be worse than others, possibly just because its legal in some places and so is used by those new to AAS and not ready for the side effects.

Anyway, Dianabol and Test seem to win as far as the feeling is concerned though interested in the effect of increased fluid/blood volume and thus blood pressure and how that might negate some of the positives (e.g. headaches and irreversables such as hypertensive hetinopathy - eye damage)

[quote]gswork wrote:

[quote]Westclock wrote:

[quote]idowhatican wrote:
Is that not what they claim it is though? Have you used superdrol bonez?[/quote]

I have.

Its more like drol than masteron

Methylation completely changes the compound.[/quote]

What did it do for you and did you get to ‘feel like crap’ like many users? I wonder why it has that reputation.

What’s interesting about this one is that, unlike many established AAS, it isn’t backed by lots of research and so is very anecdotal. It seems to have a reputation for being bad for lipids and for the liver - but I doubt it can be worse than others, possibly just because its legal in some places and so is used by those new to AAS and not ready for the side effects.

Anyway, Dianabol and Test seem to win as far as the feeling is concerned though interested in the effect of increased fluid/blood volume and thus blood pressure and how that might negate some of the positives (e.g. headaches and irreversables such as hypertensive hetinopathy - eye damage)

The feeling like crap stems mostly from people not realizing that it is a steroid. Drop your natural test (and also estrogen) production lower than normal and you hit lethargy, low sex drive, etc, the feeling like crap many describe.

Superdrol does not aromatize and isnt very similar to test, so it is a poor hormone replacement.

It will shut you down, it is fairly potent, if you run it for 6 weeks, your going to hit suppression for a pretty decent length of the cycle.

Sure it has some legitimate sideeffects, but run with test its not even noticeable, dbol has many more sideeffects, and I and everyone else loves dbol and take them like candy, just for some prospective.

The average superdrol user barely knows what they are doing you cant ask them to run a replacement dosage of test, or use HCG…it just isn’t going to happen. So I simply have them stick to shorter cycles.

Its not great on the liver, but no worse than any other commonly used oral, and its certainly not as bad on blood pressure as tren, or dbol or drol.

All and all I would hesitate to call it anything but mild for a potent steroid, but somewhat more potent than the average PH user is used to, hence the reputation.