Was looking into some superdrol, looked kind of nice and heard good reviews from people. Anyone know pros and cons, any experience with this drug?
Please, do a search - plenty of threads about it.
this is the most uncomfortable compound i have ever used. well, this and Meltdown Z-14 by VPX.
but Superdrol made me feel like crap ALL the time i was on it, and couldn’t sleep enough. no energy to workout out, though, and barely enough to go to work.
i know some guys that have gained 20lbs in 3-4 weeks, but i just couldn’t handle the side effects…
i bought a bottle a few months back and was about to do a cycle.
then i decided not to.
one of the best decisions i ever made.
Meh side effects are rough but overstated in my opinion. If you cant deal with a little discomfort you have no business using gear.
Yeah your a little more tired, but its hardley noticable, the only thing I have noticed that is worth noting is that it cuts your Cardio endurance in half.
And you sweat a lot, no matter what, you feel like you have a slight fever all the time.
All gear is going to have sides.
And I feel superdrol sides are exagerated
I just dont dismiss compounds because they might cause a little discomfort, its not about being hardcore.
Well 80% of the sides from superdrol can be overcome with a little test.
But yes, I will not argue that superdrol is harsh for what it gives results wise.
I just think people hop on the bandwagon and tell others its terrible, it has its uses.
Test is definitely safer, but if your looking for some kick ass gains, run them both.
You will gain 20 pounds, and lean out considerably, plus the strength will hit about a week in, and will be about 50+ pounds across the board and will go up from there.
i think you’re missing the point. the OP asked about pros and cons, and i answered it. there are many easier compounds to work with, both legal and illegal than Superdrol.
Halodrol and PheraPlex were awesome compounds when i used them, and i got no sides, but gained (and retained) about 10 lbs from each. obviously that was a lot better for me, since Superdrol just wrecked me.
maybe you don’t have that profound of an effect from it, so i guess it’s a better compound for you. but in all reality, if you have to add something else to make it tolerable (i.e. test), it’s not a good compound.
just my .02
[quote]Westclock wrote:
Well 80% of the sides from superdrol can be overcome with a little test.
But yes, I will not argue that superdrol is harsh for what it gives results wise.
I just think people hop on the bandwagon and tell others its terrible, it has its uses.
Test is definitely safer, but if your looking for some kick ass gains, run them both.
You will gain 20 pounds, and lean out considerably, plus the strength will hit about a week in, and will be about 50+ pounds across the board and will go up from there.[/quote]
Obviously various people have varied results.
My cousin is doing a cycle of Superdrol at the moment (it’s still legal in SA as far as I know). Granted, he trains and eats like a monster, but he’s never had any sides from the stuff other than strength and size - similair to what you mention.
I do agree with AS though - if I was to do something strong it would be the real thing instead BUT based on what I’ve read you’d have to try SD to see if you experience the sides or not.
Superdrol is definitely not something to wet your feet on.
Alot of people I know run it as a middle ground because they are too young to do real gear.
This is stupid, it shuts you down just as hard or harder than test, or dbol, or any normal first cycles.
I see all kinds of people running it with an OTC PCT, this is a recipe for disaster, the first time I ran it I did a clomid and nolva PCT, I bounced back in like 4 days, hair started shedding a little, threw some nizol in there and it stopped immediately, fairly sure it was just rapid hormone shifts, or mabey even the clomid, temporary hair loss is a common side.
My pros and cons
Pros: Awesome gains, I literally blew up. Got fat and happy but it helped me move some serious weight. Keepable gains with proper PCT. Narly, almost painful pumps during arm training. Memorable leg days.
“I’m giving it all shes got captain, she gonna blow!” and the captain gave it more. I was a mini Quadrasaurus. I consider my bouts with the drug a stepping stone in my quest for physical deviance/bodybuilding goals. Its a legal oral steroid. Not a supplement. Not for the kids.
Cons: elevated liver values. I don’t care if you take your Liv52 religiously, I still came up high. The needed secondary supplements are a pain in the ass. I had a small tackle box. The amount of water I needed to take in was a pain the ass. I killed my libido on my second bout with it. I couldn’t get a boner for the life of me.
In conclusion, I have a warm place for SD in my heart. I wouldn’t run it again because I don’t take backwards steps, unless I’m running stairs. I don’t want to get on my soap box because I’m not a vet but I believe that any prospecting user of this drug needs to have extensive knowledge with proper AAS protocol.
Any user thinking that Novedex stacked with a saw dust laden tribulus product is proper PCT is not ready. I can’t stress enough on the value of education. Stay in school kids. -GB
I am 15, a freshmen in high school. me and my buddy were thinking about taking superdrol. if we start the cycle and do it properly would it be alright. or would being so young have a bad effect on us?
[quote]guidotti-dline wrote:
I am 15, a freshmen in high school. me and my buddy were thinking about taking superdrol. if we start the cycle and do it properly would it be alright. or would being so young have a bad effect on us?[/quote]
You have got to be kidding me, don’t even think about it.
at what age do u think it would be ok to take
21 and over.
thanks bro
[quote]Growing_Boy wrote:
My pros and cons
Pros: Awesome gains, I literally blew up. Got fat and happy but it helped me move some serious weight. Keepable gains with proper PCT. Narly, almost painful pumps during arm training. Memorable leg days.
“I’m giving it all shes got captain, she gonna blow!” and the captain gave it more. I was a mini Quadrasaurus. I consider my bouts with the drug a stepping stone in my quest for physical deviance/bodybuilding goals. Its a legal oral steroid. Not a supplement. Not for the kids.
Cons: elevated liver values. I don’t care if you take your Liv52 religiously, I still came up high. The needed secondary supplements are a pain in the ass. I had a small tackle box. The amount of water I needed to take in was a pain the ass. I killed my libido on my second bout with it. I couldn’t get a boner for the life of me.
In conclusion, I have a warm place for SD in my heart. I wouldn’t run it again because I don’t take backwards steps, unless I’m running stairs. I don’t want to get on my soap box because I’m not a vet but I believe that any prospecting user of this drug needs to have extensive knowledge with proper AAS protocol.
Any user thinking that Novedex stacked with a saw dust laden tribulus product is proper PCT is not ready. I can’t stress enough on the value of education. Stay in school kids. -GB [/quote]
Never taken it but I do have a bottle of m-drol sitting around and will more than likely run in the future, From what i have gathered it goes as follows.
Dry gains (Diet can affect this to go either way)
Good recomp effects
Largest gains from a DS second to only maybee m1t
back pumps
liver toxicity