The Big Question

I know you will want to shoot me for this, but I am just so CONFUSED! I have read almost all of this site and I still don’t know what to do. I am 51, 5-7, 172, maybe 20% bf, lifted for 20 years and in very good shape, but never been a bodybuilder. I am not going to live forever. What is the best, fastest way, to turn the 172 into 10% bf. (I already hear the commands to lock and load.) Seriously, I know many of you have had success at this. Please let me know. Thanks.

I would say that the popular opinion lends itself toward T-dawg 2.

Another good choice would be the Dont Diet Diet.

Both are solid choices, with proven results to back them up.

I would suggest you look into both of them, read up on them, and make a decision on which fits you and your lifestyle better. Then come on back and we will be able to help you get everything straight from there.

Another good thing to do in your next post along with your decision will be any and all stats you can think off. The more info. you give the easier it will be to help you out. Training (including weights and cardio), current diet, your mothers maiden name, well not quite that far, but any little bit you feel may be of even the slightest help.

Hope that helps, and have fun doing some more reading and making a decision.


T-dawg is a great diet. Also, do a search on Tampa-Terry’s posts. A wealth of info on cutting bf while not losing too much lbm. Meltdown training would be a good option for your gym time, assuming your heart is in good shape. “The diet that works best is one that you will follow” Try one of the many on this site for a couple weeks to a month and chart your progress. Modifications can always be made!

Thank you very much. Get back to you tomorrow. Got to get this done once and for all!!

A few stats.

About 4 years ago did my best bench at 255 and did 20 rep squats at 310, but just too fat–maybe 180. Now I can do 250 for 20 and bench 200 for 1. Not genetically gifted but want to do the best I can. You can guess that I followed the HIT protocol. Got strong, but did not like the way I looked at all. Now, I do a circuit training of dips, chins, press, curl, squats, and deads 3 times a week and run 2 or three times–until I just have to take a day off. Terrific shape but still look like a putz. Eat around 1800-2000. LOL. For all this effort I should be able to lift a house and have 2% bf. Ok, that’s it. Thanks again.


This is not the general T-Mag style of nutrition but I will offer a solution anyway.

Eat 100 grams of grilled chicken breast and 100 grams of brown rice, five times a day and nothing else. Drink as much water as you can.

You won’t die from the obvious nutritional deficiencies in the diet because you only do it for 6 or 8 weeks.

Keep training as normal and when you achieve the bodyfat level you’re looking for revert to a clean, balanced diet.

It’s nasty but it’s fast.

Be careful not to do too much cardio. A lot of dieters make the mistake of overdoing cardio on a low-cal, low-carb diet. Circuit training like you are doing will do the job. Brisk walking on your off days will not be too much and will help circulate blood to aid recovery. The best way to boost your metabolism and burn fat is just to make sure you eat regularly, ie. every 3 hrs. That will keep your furnace burning constantly and not let your body go into a “conservation” mode.

Oh, and BANG! Just kidding!

To be honest the most effective diet that I?ve used on my athletes is a low carb variation involving 4 days below 25 grams carbs, then 1 carb up day. Example:
Monday: 25g carbs
Tuesday: 25g carbs
Wednesday: 25g carbs
Thursday: 25g carbs
Friday: carb-up (no sweets, most of the carbs should be coming from fruits and vegetables)
Saturday: 25g carbs
Sunday: 25g carbs
Monday: 25g carbs
Tuesday: 25g carbs
Wednesday: carb-up (no sweets, most of the carbs should be coming from fruits and vegetables).HOPE THIS HELPS!