Just generally wanted to say that this is a great forum. I’m on the low end of the “Over 35”, but qualify nevertheless.
That really is a threshold age, old enough to accumulate sufficient injuries, reap/sow the results of a couple decades of choices, old enough to know better, but still a long way to go.
Some of your logs are incredible, and great inspiration to me. There’s a lot of great experience and information in this forum, and I stress experience, which trumps all. I may qualify to be in here because of age, but my “lifting age” is relatively young, so, while I read other forums for technical, I read these pages for perspective.
Pound for pound, I’m always more impressed with the older lifters than the younger ones because you (we) are usually fighting battles on several fronts: family/financial obligations, career stresses, kids, physical reality of fighting gravity for so long---- ahhhh, to be a 22 year old college student again— class, study, lift, eat, lift, get drink, sleep (OK, some of us worked in college, too).
Study?? You mean I was supposed to study in college?
Damn if I only knew then, what I do now…
I’d have joined the Frat sooner…
EDIT On a more serious vein, I think I would like training with all the guys on this forum. Its amazing how each have different goals and styles, but in a lot of ways we all have the same singular focus. Maybe its age and experience trumping youth and exuberance, I don’t know. But like the shirt my 10 y.o found for my birthday says…“OLD GUYS RULE!” EDIT
A great perspective on lifting. I think we get so wrapped up in our improvement from WO to WO and we lose perspective. As evidenced from many of the lifters on this log, this is a life-long journey. A journey that has many different paths for each of us. The paths are not always successful but the goal is to keep walking and trying to move forward.
I know that my recent path is a new one filled with many challenges but it is everyone’s input that is keeping me moving forward.
There’s also a higher level of politeness in these threads than can be found elsewhere on the site which is not a small thing. People are more approachable, will tell you the truth without being assholes about it. They also don’t get in your business unless invited - except for me of course.
So thank you to the long time denizens (HT, QT, Hel320, BarryJenkins, Colin Wilson, DZ, et al) of this forum for making posting here such a pleasant experience.
As you age you, hopefully, come to the realization that you’re a)not immortal b)don’t have the answer to everything and can always learn more and c) you’ve learned enough to respect if not agree with other peoples opinions. This translates into politness. We have a very diverse group here with a lot of different goals and life styles. The commonality is we’re all trying to improve ourselves. Funny thing for me are some of the things I find impressive here.
Deadlifting/Benching/Squatting etc. 400/ 500/600, whatever pounds really doesn’t impress me much. A guy doing the 9 to 5, playing in a band, juggling kids practices, basically having a life, and lifting at all, that impresses the hell out of me. Don’t really know how to end this but I enjoy this site very much, too.
Oh yeah, am I the only one on here who didn’t go to college? I missed all the debauchery! (Made up for it in the military though)
[quote]hel320 wrote:
As you age you, hopefully, come to the realization that you’re a)not immortal b)don’t have the answer to everything and can always learn more and c) you’ve learned enough to respect if not agree with other peoples opinions. This translates into politness. We have a very diverse group here with a lot of different goals and life styles. The commonality is we’re all trying to improve ourselves. Funny thing for me are some of the things I find impressive here.
Deadlifting/Benching/Squatting etc. 400/ 500/600, whatever pounds really doesn’t impress me much. A guy doing the 9 to 5, playing in a band, juggling kids practices, basically having a life, and lifting at all, that impresses the hell out of me. Don’t really know how to end this but I enjoy this site very much, too.
Oh yeah, am I the only one on here who didn’t go to college? I missed all the debauchery! (Made up for it in the military though) [/quote]
I confess, I spent too much time studying and missed the debauchery in college. Now I’m old enough that lifting is debauchery
As you get older and things break or plain quit working. You deal with some amount of pain, somewhere, all the time. The fact that I am not immortal, as I once thought, aint a bad thing.