I’ve been reading T-Mag for a few years, but I haven’t really come close to putting EVERYTHING together until recently. I have a long way to go, but given my progress so far, I’m very excited about the future. In short, I’ve been amazed at how my body has responded to some of the stuff I’ve been doing recently.

First, I’ve been following Berardi’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs” and the “Foundation” meal plan from his No-Nonsense DVD for about a month. In that time, I’m shocked at how much better I’ve been feeling. More water. More green tea. More veggies. More whole, quality food (and less reliance on protein powders). I don’t feel bloated or sluggish. It’s tough to explain, but I always feel “ready” for any activity. I feel more energetic, younger, and just healthier.

I know my new diet is in large part responsible this feeling, but I’ve also been following Thibaudeau’s “Running Man” prescriptions, specifically 400m sprints (and some intervals as well). I just started HOT-ROX, but even for the few weeks I’ve been sprinting, I notice a differenc: my waist is getting tighter, my legs are thickening up, and I feel a heightened sense of readiness and healthiness. In other words, I feel like an athlete.

Given that backdrop, my lifting has progressed very well too. After following Waterbury’s TBT, I made some modifications (more 5 rep sets–I think my body responds best to these heavy sets) and really pushed myself to lift as explosively as possible.

At a bodyweight of 188 (probably around 12-14% bf and gradually dropping), I’m pushing more weight than ever. In fact, the impetus for this post is a new PR in the deadlift tonight: 500 lbs (with straps). I’m doing dumbbell presses with 110s, weighted pullups with 70 lbs, and weighted dips with 90 lbs. I know these numbers may seem weak to some, but I’m pretty proud of my progress. Things just seem to be coming together for me now in ways they didn’t before. I know I wouldn’t be at this point if it weren’t for T-Mag, especially John Berardi, Christian Thibaudeau, and Chad Waterbury. So thanks again guys! Keep it up!

Here, here! I’ll second your post, Indestructible! (grin)

Remember that the best way to give thanks (and to reinforce what you know and ADD TO what you know) is to “share the wealth.”

Congrats on actually APPLYING what you’ve learned here on the site.

[quote]The Indestructible wrote:
At a bodyweight of 188 (probably around 12-14% bf and gradually dropping), I’m pushing more weight than ever. In fact, the impetus for this post is a new PR in the deadlift tonight: 500 lbs (with straps). I’m doing dumbbell presses with 110s, weighted pullups with 70 lbs, and weighted dips with 90 lbs. I know these numbers may seem weak to some, but I’m pretty proud of my progress. Things just seem to be coming together for me now in ways they didn’t before. I know I wouldn’t be at this point if it weren’t for T-Mag, especially John Berardi, Christian Thibaudeau, and Chad Waterbury. So thanks again guys! Keep it up![/quote]

Dude, for a weight of 188 those are pretty impressive numbers. There are not a lot of people that can deadlift 500 lbs or do pullups with 70 lbs or dips with 90 lbs at that weight. No one will think those numbers are weak.

I’m with you randman. I’m 175lbs w/ 13-15% BF and I’d love to put up your numbers.

Thanks for the kind words. I have very narrow shoulders, so I guess my next task is to widen out up top so I actually look capable of lifting those weights. And Tampa Terry: I’ll definitely try to get more involved in the forums. Thanks again guys!