For 6 weeks I’ve been following a T-Mag inspired program. I’d like to offer a little progress report, & give credit where credit is due.
I began lifting seriously again in December. 6 weeks ago I began following the T-Dawg Diet. At the same time I started Ian King’s “Limping” series (just finished phase 2), & three weeks afterwards, I began his “12 Weeks to Super Strength” (just finished phase 1). I’ve been using MD6, Methoxy-7, T2, flaxseed oil, & a multivitamin. I started out at 40 years old, 5’11", 193 lbs, roughly 19% bf, & a low T-level. My diet as been, on average, 2200-2300 calories/day, 40% protein, 45% fat, 15% carbs.
I found the T-Dawg Diet fairly easy to follow. I didn't suffer carb cravings, which surprised me, instead my mood evened out a lot throughout the day. Honestly, I had hoped to lose more weight. I dropped only 6 lbs, but on the other hand, I gained noticeable strength & a little LBM, so I'm not complaining too much. Most of the weight came off while I was faithfully climbing the stair mill for 30 min, 4 days a week. Certain pairs of pants fit a lot better now, while certain shirts are getting a little tight across the chest. To date, no one has commented that they've seen a change in my build -- not even my wife (sob!) -- but I refuse to fish for complements. I will work for the day I that get honest, freely-offered kudos; those are only kind worth having anyway. Abs are still only a rumor, but I have definitely discovered I have ribs & the kind of mini lats that everyone on the forum makes fun of (they won't be laughable forever!). Because I changed workout, diet, supplements, & cardio regime all at the same time, I can't say which contributed the most to my modest success, but the combination of them all does work.
I have limped, often & a lot, from the workouts. To make real progress with Ian King's workouts, I know that I need to change my diet to one that supports growth, so I'm switching from T-Dawg to Massive Eating. I'll also be dropping the MD6 & T2 in favor of Androsol & Tribex. In another 6 weeks I'll report back again with, I hope, better progress.
First place kudos & deepest thanks to Tim Patterson, whose BTS column in T-Mag 159 laid out an exercise, diet & supplement schedule for someone (else) whose condition & goals were nearly identical to my own. It answered a lot of questions for me & gave me confidence & the kick in the pants I needed to get started.
Second place kudos to Chris Shugart for insisting time & again -- for the benefit of those of us who just don't get it -- to keep a food log. I've recorded every bite of food that's gone into my mouth for 6 weeks, & it does help. (All those who, like me, weren't getting enough protein will please say "amen.") Kudos to Chris also for the Guest Atomic Dog column in T-Mag 136 last December, which is one of the best inspirational pieces I've ever come across; I re-read it often.
Thanks to everyone on the forum for all of your questions, answers & (generally) good humor. I read every thread that has to do with training or dieting & have learned a lot. You provide inspiration, motivation & good company. Especial thanks to Mufasa, who posted the inspiring phrase "strong, tight & light," a few weeks ago. I've clung to those three words, step by step, week in & week out, as I climbed the miserable stair mill. Mufasa helped me through hours of cardio. I couldn't have done it without him.
– T-Rev, on the straight & narrow since 11 June.