Let me start off by saying this is a great site, and a great forum. Let me jump right into my questions.
Q1 : These are my test results. Testosterone 21 nmol/L. My physician informs me that an average male should fall between 8 nmol/L to 38 nmol/L. My TSH read 1.15 mUI/L. Again the average falls between .5mUI/L to 4.7mUI/L. Both of my reading are on the low end of the average male spectrum. Is it possible to make good gains in both building muscle mass and getting cut with levels soo low? Has anyone ever read anywhere how these readings directly relate to bodybuilding success?
Q2 : Secondly. I gave my T levels in nmol/L. I believe I’ve seen these reading in another unit of measurement. How do we convert nmol/L to whatever is the next most popular unit of measurement T is given?
Q3 : I’m from Montreal, Canada. Has anyone been successful getting Biotest products in Canada. Biotest told me that they are willing to ship their product to me, but dont guarentee arrival… I would love to get my hands on Biotest products. Is there a “guarenteed” way of ordering them?
Thanks for your time guys Keep up the good work;)